Chapt. 78

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    ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

     Chapt. 78: The Tsunami Alert Part 2, The Ruins, and The Strange Writing

       "STOP SPILLING ALL THE WATER, YOU SLOB!" Usopp bared his teeth, whacking Luffy upside the head, and seeing Luffy spill water everywhere.

"What's the big deal?," Luffy frowned at Usopp, dropping the water canteen on the ground when Usopp hit him, "Ace and Ivy brought back tons of water."

"WE STILL NEED TO CONSERVE OUR SUPPLIES SO THEY LAST UNTIL WE GET TO YUBA, YOU IDIOT!," I bared my teeth, punching him on the head, and a large tick mark on my head, "SO STOP HOGGING ALL THE WATER FOR YOURSELF!"

"But Sanji is doing the same thing," Luffy pointed out, a frown on his face, and pointing to Sanji (he was carrying a small canteen of water), "Why don't you yell at him too."

"For once, Luffy actually made a good point," Shadow commented, narrowing her eyes at Sanji, walking next to Zoro (he was dragging the makeshift sleigh behind him with Chopper in it), and throwing a pointed look at Sanji, "If Luffy can't hog the water then it seems fair that the rest of us can't hog all the water either Sanji."

"But, I was saving this water for when the girls needed water," Sanji pouted, holding the canteen protectively, and walking beside Eyelash, who was carrying Nami and Vivi, "And I would gallantly swoop in and rescue them."

"Who would want to be rescued by a pervy cook with Fancy-Brows?" Zoro smirked, sending sparks at Sanji as he walked, and a challenge in his eyes.

"What you say, Moss-Head?" Sanji glared, turning his heads towards Zoro, and shooting sparks back at him.

"You heard me," Zoro smirked, pulling Chopper on the makeshift sleigh, and taunting Sanji, "Those curly eyebrows of yours are one of the reasons why girls run away from you."

"AT LEAST I DON'T HAVE MOSS GROWING ON MY HEAD!" Sanji bared his teeth at Zoro, a large tick mark on his head, and getting in Zoro's face.

"YOU WANNA FIGHT?" Zoro bared his teeth at Sanji, a large tick mark on his head, and getting in Sanji's face.

"Why is it everytime those two are in the same vicinity of each other they always fight?," I sweatdropped, walking beside Ace, only to walk up to the two Morons, punching them on the head, baring my teeth, and a huge tick mark on my face, "OI MOSS-HEAD, YOU FORGOT ABOUT CHOPPER! DART-FOR-BROWS, STOP SPILLING ALL THE WATER!"

"I'm surrounded by a bunch of little kids," Nami muttered in exasperation, holding onto the reins for Eyelash, and turning her head back to Vivi, "Hey Vivi, would you mind telling us about this Rebel Army?"

"No I don't mind," Vivi frowned, a faraway look on her face, and her eyebrows scrunching together in concern, "It all started back when I was a little girl..."

Since I already knew all this, I just tuned it out. After Vivi was done telling the story, I smirked as I walked beside Ace.

"You mean to say that little boy that you knew when you were a kid is the leader of the Rebel Army?" Nami exclaimed when Vivi was done telling the story, her eyes wide in disbelief, and furrowing her brows in sympathy, "That' sad."

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