Chapt. 39

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***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

           Chapt. 39: The Moss-Head's Battle, The Curly-Brow's Battle, and The Long-Nose's Battle

     "Looks like I picked one hell of an idiot for my captain," Sanji smirked, lighting his cigarette, "But our idiot captain is far better than a gang of guys who pick on a lady."

"We all did," Zoro smirked, shaking his head, "But at least he respects his friends and looks out for them."

"You rushed into certain death for one lousy girl?" Kuroobi raised his eyebrow in dubiety, "That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard."

"Lousy girl?" Sanji repeated glaring at Kuroobi, "Insult Nami one more time and you'll go from Fishman to Fish sticks got it?"

"I'll have to admit, your skills are impressive...for a human," Kuroobi smirked, standing in his fighting stance, "But I have to say, I never seen a pirate that still practices chivalry, it sounds to me like it's all an act."

"I assure you that my chivalry isn't an act," Sanji smirked, glaring at Kuroobi, "It's a 100% pure."

"You're not gonna get away with tricking me, Zoro," Hachi glared, "Now prepare to die."

"I don't think so," Zoro smirked, holding his sword, "The tables have turned, you Fishmen aren't the hunters anymore, now you guys are the ones being hunted."

"Do you guys really think that your group of a weak short little girl with a pet, a rubber idiot, and you two pitiful humans can take us down?" Arlong glared, landing his eyes on Flounder, getting huge tick marks on his face, smirking upon seeing Luffy stuck in the cement, "Since that obnoxious little brat pissed me off, I just came up with a game."

"GUYS, HURRY UP AND GET LUFFY UNSTUCK!" I shouted, walking into the Park, holding my shoulder with my hand as I activated Marco's fast healing ability, shaking the villagers off as they tried to stop me from leaving, "I'm fine."

"Why? What's he gonna..." Zoro puzzled, glancing at me and looking at Luffy before widening his eyes with realization, "Don't tell me...DART-FOR-BROWS, HURRY UP AND GET THAT MORON UNSTUCK!!!"

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, YOU STUPID MOSS-HEAD!" Sanji fumed, baring his teeth at Zoro, tick marks on his forehead, "AND DON'T CALL ME THAT!"

"KNOCK IT OFF YOU TWO! THIS ISN'T THE TIME OR THE PLACE FOR YOUR PETTY ARGUMENTS!" I scolded, baring my teeth at them, smacking them upside the head, "GO GET LUFFY UNSTUCK YOU TWO! NOW!"

"Huh, interesting," Arlong smirked, walking up to Luffy, picking him up along with the cement and tossing him in the sea, "You may not be as stupid as I thought, but it's too late for him."

"LUFFY!," I shouted, taking off my shoes, my sweatshirt, my mint-green fedora hat, and my green hip bag, running and diving into the sea after him, before calling over my shoulders to Zoro and Sanji, "LET ME HANDLE LUFFY, YOU TWO CONCENTRATE ON YOUR FIGHTS!!"

"IVY, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT!," Sanji shouted with wide eyes, seeing Kuroobi going to go after me, and Sanji kicked him, "Just where do you think you're going, Dirtbag?"

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