Chapt. 49

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***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

          Chapt. 49: The Gang's in Trouble, Luffy Enters, and Sanji talks with Mr. 0?

                      Back at the Candle-Cage

          "Did you two do what I asked?" Mr. 3 smirked, upon seeing Miss. Valentine and Mr. 5 coming out of the jungle with a pissed off Vivi, "Oh good, our final guest has arrived."

"Yes, they're taken care of," Mr. 5 intoned, turning towards us, "Your Straw Hat friend didn't put up much of a fight."

"Excellent," Mr. 3 cackled, making a huge candle cake thing, turning towards Miss. Valentine, "Bring that Red Midget over here first."


Back at Dory's

"Ussop, they're gonna pay." Luffy declared, with a pissed off face.

"Oh yeah," Usopp coughed out smoke, sitting up and glaring, "Those jerks have to pay."

"If they hurt Ivy in any way..." Shadow threatened, getting up and smashing the rock from Luffy's back.

"Looks like Carue can't take this either," Luffy grinned, glancing down at Carue, who was pecking the ground furiously, "Then we agree, let's beat them senseless."

"HELL YEAH!" Shadow, and Usopp shouted, while Carue quacked with them as they ran off towards where Mr. 3 was.


Back at the candle-cake

"Touch me and I'll bite your freaking arm off," I warned, glaring at Miss. Valentine, as she opened the cage, pulled me out harshly, and shoved me towards Vivi, "Watch it."

"What I can't seem to understand is how such a shrimp like you is dating that "Fire Fist"," Miss Valentine smirked darkly, shoving me forward, "It leads me to wonder what he sees in a little girl."

"Jealous?" I smirked over my shoulder, "Since it's obvious that you can't find a guy that doesn't find that laugh of yours annoying."

"You little bitch," Miss. Valentine seethed, pushing me up onto that candle-thingy, "Now get up there and shut your mouth."

"Mr. 5, bring the Princess over here and place her next to the Shorty," Mr. 3 smirked, glancing at Miss. Valentine after glancing at Mr. 5, "Miss. Valentine bring the other girl and place her next to the princess."

"Ugh," Miss. Valentine huffed, walking over to the cage and bringing out Nami, placing her next to Vivi, "Mr. 5, help me with the swordsman."

"Yeah," Mr. 5 nodded, walking over to the cage, bring out Zoro with Miss. Valentine helping, and placing Zoro next to me, "What next Mr. 3?"

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