Chapt. 60

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      ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

             Chapt. 60: The Way to Alabasta, The Training, and The Giant "Seagull"

       "Ivy, can't you go a little easier on me?" Nami whined, attempting to block the fake wooden sword being swing at her with her own fake wooden sword, "I am fragile you know."

"Didn't you ask me to help you train to become stronger?" I mocked, raising my eyebrows at her, swinging the fake wooden sword at her, "Or did you want to be weak forever?"

"Yeah, I did ask you to help me get stronger not kill me," Nami whimpered, striking her sword at me, only to have me block it, "If I knew that you would be trying to kill me, I never would have asked for your help."

"She's brutal when it comes to helping someone train," Shadow smirked, sitting on the steps by Chopper, as they watched the scene before them, "It may seem harsh, but it is effective."


"Hey Ivy," Nami called, walking over to me, "Do you think you can help me train?"

"Huh?" I glanced up at her from planting some purple flowers into a flower pot (I had bought it a while back), setting my tools down, and standing up to face her, "Sure, I already have an idea for your training, so we'll start tomorrow."

"Great," Nami smiled, clapping her hands together once, and walking away, "I need to get stronger for Vivi's sake."

"Don't torture her too hard, V." Shadow smirked, jumping onto my shoulders as I walked towards where Usopp was.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I smiled innocently, walking into the room where Usopp was, and calling to him, "Hey Usopp, could you make me two wooden swords for me?"

"Uh," Usopp glanced up at me with a raised eyebrow, "Yeah, but why?"

"I'm going to train Nami," I explained with a grin, "And the swords don't have to be fancy or anything, you can just make them out of the wood scraps that we have."

"Sure." Usopp nodded.

(End of Flashback)

"Vivi-Chawn, Ivy-Chawn, Nami-Swan, and the lovely Shadow, your dinners are ready," Sanji smiled, sticking his head out of the kitchen, frowning as he called to the guys, "Oh and your losers' dinners are ready too."

"YAHOO!" Luffy grinned, running into the kitchen with Usopp on his heels, sprinting over to Chopper, grabbing him by the arm, and running into the kitchen, "CHOOPER YOU HAVE TO TRY SANJI'S FOOD!"

"Let's go Nami," I grinned over at her, setting the swords down, and walking beside her into the kitchen, "I know that you have a powerful punch, so I'm sure once you get your body stronger, you'll be able to get an even better punching arm."

"I have to have a good arm because of certain idiots who are on this ship," Nami smirked, only to furrow her brows upon seeing Vivi's worried face, "What's up Vivi?"

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