Chapt. 63

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   ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

               Chapt. 63: The Clothes, The Poison Powder, and The Mysterious Man Appears

    "Ivy-Chawn would look gorgeous in these clothes," Sanji gushed, his heart-mode activated, holding up an outfit, seeing two other outfits, and grabbing them as well, "These would be perfect for Nami and Vivi."

"I don't think that is what Vivi had in mind when she asked you to pick out clothes," Shadow sweatdropped, sitting beside Chopper, (he also had a sweatdrop), noticing that Sanji wasn't listening, "And...he's not listening to me."

The outfit Sanji had picked out for Ivy was a jade-green dancer girl outfit. The top was like a swim suit bikini top, with a gold, light weight, long fashion draper vest, (the ones were it doesn't have anything in the front to hold it together). The skirt was long and it was jade green. It had a gold trimming around the edge of the top of the skirt.

Sanji had picked out a lavender dancer girl outfit for Nami. The top looked like a sports bra with the same type of vest on hers except it was light pink. Her skirt was white with the same color trimming on the top of the skirt as her top.

The outfit Sanji had picked out for Vivi was a dark purple dancer girl attire. The top was dark purple with some pink trimming around the top and bottom of the "shirt" (it looked like Nami's except different colors), with the same type of vest that Nami and Ivy's had except Vivi's was light blue. The skirt was long and light blue with a purple fabric in the front.

"I get the feeling that Sanji's a world class perv for some reason." Chopper sweatdropped, watching Sanji act creepy, and Chopper picked out his outfit.

"Calling him a perv is an understatement," Shadow sighed, the sweatdrop getting bigger, picking out her outfit, along with four long cloaks, and paying for them, "I better get some long cloaks for us."

Shadow picked out a white dancer girl outfit. The top had long puffy sleeves and went to her breast bone. The top had a brown vest like the other girls and it had brown trimming around the top and bottom of the shirt. Unlike the other girls' outfits, Shadow's bottoms were white puffy pants with brown trimming on the top. She also had picked out a brown cloak (for her), a jade green cloak (for Ivy), a dark purple cloak (for Vivi), and a white cloak (for Nami).


Back to Luffy

"It doesn't look like it would be tasty," Luffy observed, looking at the bags he had just opened that were filled with green powder, putting his finger into the green stuff, putting his finger into his mouth, gagging with disgust, tossing the bags into the cabin's outdoor stove-thing, and started to walk away only to have a whole bunch of rain start falling down onto him, "YUCK! WHO WOULD WANT TO EAT THIS POSION?!"

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY DANCE POWDER?!" the home owner of the cabin exclaimed, rushing out of the cabin.

"Huh?" Luffy turned around, tilting his head in confusion, "Dance powder?"

"THE STUFF THAT WAS IN ALL THOSE BAGS THAT WERE SITTING OVER THERE!" the homeowner bared his teeth at Luffy, pointing to the spot where the bags should've been.

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