Chapt. 91

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    ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

            Chapt. 91: Vivi In Danger, The Battles Begin, The Brave Warrior of The Sea Comes To The Rescue?

    "CARUE, ARE YOU OK?!" Vivi choked, holding back tears, gently lifting Carue off of her, and setting her duck in her arms, "Thank you for protecting me."

Carue weakly lifted his head and gave her a faint quack.

"There's still time to stop this pointless bloodshed from getting any bigger," Vivi declared, wiping the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand, and a determined gleam in her eyes as she stared towards the city, "If I learned anything from my time with everyone on that ship, it's to never give up until the very end."

"Well said Vivi," Mr. 2 smiled, transformed into Usopp, sitting on a horse, and stopping right in front of her, "Hop on, we've got a Rebellion to stop."

"Usopp, nice timing," Vivi smiled gratefully, starting to get up, bending down to pick up Carue, freezing in place upon hearing what "Usopp" said, and turning around slowly with wide eyes, "Let me grab Carue and then we can go..."

"We don't have time to worry about a stupid duck," Mr. 2 dismissed, waving a hand, and glancing down at Vivi, "If you want to stop the rebellion from getting worse, we need to leave now." Vivi thought, the smiling falling off her face, turning around to face "Usopp", and glaring at him, Usopp wouldn't say that about Carue!


"Forward my fellow comrade," Usopp grinned, sitting on Carue's back, pointing his finger towards the other side of the deck, "ATTACK THE ENEMIES!!! SHOW THEM NO MERCY!!!"

Carue quacked and they raced towards the other side of the deck on the Going Mary.

End of Flashback

"Usopp," Vivi demanded, narrowing her eyes at "Usopp", and glaring at Mr. 2 in suspicion, "Show me your arm."

"Are you really doubting me?," Mr. 2 mocked, holding up his arm with the bandage wrapped around, and smiling down at her, "Happy?"

I knew it! He isn't Usopp, Vivi thought, glaring deeper at Mr. 2, and standing protectively in front of Carue, "You almost made me believe that you were the real Usopp, but two things gave you away, Mr. 2."

"And here I thought my imitation was perfect," Mr. 2 mocked-complained, turning himself back to normal, and smirking down at Vivi, "I even wrapped a bandage around my arm exactly how we were informed that you guys had around your arms."

"Your impersonation wasn't as perfect as you thought it was," Vivi smirked, glaring daggers at Mr. 2, and backing away from Mr. 2 slowly, "The real Usopp wouldn't call Carue a stupid duck and just leave Carue behind. And the bandages around the arms were only part of our counter attack against your Devil Fruit power."

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