Chapt. 82

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   ***Author's Note: Hey everyone, starting Monday I'm helping out at my Vacation Bible School, so I'm probably not going to be able to update all week (I'm sorry guys). I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

               Chapt. 82: The Meet Up, The Trap, and The Zombie Croc Appears

      "I just got word that Straw Hat and his crew are in Rainbase," Robin informed, walking into the room, and standing by the door, "And it would seem that "Fire Fist" Ace is with them as well. Shall I inform the Agents in Rainbase to apprehend Straw Hat and his crew?"

"That won't be necessary," Crocodile smirked darkly, sitting in his chair, and drinking from his glass, "Let's give them a warm welcome. And I would like you to go get Princess Vivi and that short girl with the red hair and bring them to me alive."

"As you wish, Crocodile." Robin smiled, walking out of the door, and frowning when she was by herself.


In the streets of Rainbase

"TASHIGI, INFORM ALL THE MARINES IN RAINBASE TO HELP US CAPTURE STRAW HAT AND HIS CREW!," Smoker called over his shoulder, running out of the restaurant after Luffy, and glancing around for Luffy, "Those idiots sure can run, I'll give them that."

"Looking for me, Smokey?" Luffy taunted, swinging upside down in front of Smoker, sticking his tongue out, and running away, "CAN'T CATCH ME, BLEH!"

"YOU'VE GO SOME NERVE, STRAW HAT, BUT DON'T THINK YOU CAN RUN AWAY FROM ME FOREVER!," Smoker seethed, running after Luffy, and activating his Devil Fruit, "WHITE VINE!"

"GUM-GUM: BALLOON!" Luffy chanted, stretching his body into a balloon, and landing in a pen with horses, "Too close."

"Damn, where did Straw Hat go?" Smoker growled, running past the pen, and looking for Luffy.


To Chopper

"That's bette...WHERE IS EVERYBODY?!" Chopper exclaimed, walking out of the restroom, finding everybody missing, and sticking his nose up in the air, "Luffy's scent is over there, Zoro's, Shadow's, and Vivi's is there, Sanji's is there, Usopp's and Nami's is coming from that direction, Ivy's and Ace's is coming from over there...What is going on?"


To Zoro, Vivi, and Shadow

"Mr. Bushido, Shadow, what are we going to do?" Vivi inquired, a panic in her voice, standing between Shadow and Zoro, and seeing a group of Marines coming from one direction and the Baroque Works Agents coming from the other direction, "We're surrounded on both sides."

"Hey Moss-Head, think you can take out those Marines while I take out those Baroque Works Clowns?" Shadow smirked over her shoulder, standing in front of Vivi with her back facing Vivi, and getting into her fighting stance as she faced the Baroque Works Agents.

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