Chapt. 51

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   ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

             Chapt. 51: Vivi's Request, The Waffle Appears, and Approaching Drum Island

    "Who let Zoro in charge of navigating?" Nami irked, walking shakily out onto the deck with me along with her, "What have you been looking at to navigate because we're off course."

"Shouldn't the two of you be in bed resting?" Zoro threw us a pointed look, "We're not off course, and I've been watching that cloud there."

"We can't because if we leave everything to you screwballs, we'd be stranded with no food or water," I deadpanned, putting my hands to my head, "I have the worst headache right now."

"Clouds change shape and move constantly you moron," Nami chided, putting her hands to her head as well, "I know, my head's killing me too."

"Then you two go rest and leave the other stuff to the rest of us." Zoro suggested, glancing over at us with narrowed eyes.

"If we let you birdbrains handle everything, then you guys would run everything into the ground," Nami huffed, breathing heavily, glancing up at the sky, "The's changed."

"IVY, GET YOUR BUTT BACK IN BED RIGHT NOW!" Shadow lectured, walking out onto the deck, giving me a pointed look, "Or do I have to call you-know-who and have him make you?"

"My head hurts too much to even argue with you at the moment," I sighed, walking weakly towards the Girls' room, Shadow helping me into bed, "Besides, I really rather not have to listen to him scold me."

"Wise choice," Shadow smirked, covering me up with another blanket, putting another cold wash cloth on my forehead, grabbing a chair and sitting down next to me, "Now lay down and rest."

"Yeah, Yeah," I muttered weakly, laying my head against the pillow, only to stumble to the bathroom to grab my wrist transponder snail, seeing that Ace had called, and calling him back as I stagger back to my bed, "Dammit, he must be so worried."


"Ivy, thank god," Ace muttered, answering the transponder snail, then giving me a playful scowl, "I thought something happened to you because you haven't picked up the transponder snail for a while."

"Yeah sorry about that," I chuckled weakly, ignoring Shadow, who was narrowing her eyes at me, "I just been very busy lately and I must not have heard it."

"Uh-Huh," Ace narrowed his eyes through the transponder snail, clearly not buying my playing-it-cool act, "What's really going on?"

"What makes you think that ther..." I mumbled, falling to the ground and blacking out.

"Ivy? Hey, you still there?" Ace question, his voice laced with panic, "IVY! If this is one of your pranks, it isn't funny, come on talk to me!"

"I told her not to get up," Shadow chided, picking Ivy up, laying her back on her bed, and picking up the transponder snail, "Ace, Ivy...she's sick."

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