Hospital Trip

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*This picks up from the last chapter*

Jordan was still sick and during the whole night, Hank and Erin took turns getting up with her but Erin insisted that she could do it since Hank had to work in the morning. Jordan wanted to be held by her sister and the older woman had gently picked her and began slowly rocking her.

"Erin my tummy hurts make it stop". The toddler whispered.

"It's gonna be ok Jordy, it'll pass in a couple days". Erin says gently.

"When I get better can we go to the park?"

"I think we can do that".

"And we can get ice cream".

"That too". Erin chuckled, even when she was sick Jordan was still a little ball of energy.

After a while of Erin rocking Jordan the young girl fell back asleep and the older woman got on the couch throwing a blanket over herself and Jordan, she began stroking Jordan's hair back she then began slowly falling asleep.

The next morning

Hank woke up in the living room remembering the night before, Jordan had gotten sick and had called Erin to help him. He then looked over to the couch to see his two daughters fast asleep, Jordan was curled up into Erin's chest and Erin had her arms around the toddler in a loose but protective hold. He quickly straightened up and headed for the stairs to get ready for the day, after 10 minutes he came down dressed in a long sleeve button shirt, dark colored jeans with his badge on his belt, his holster around his waist, he wore his boots, and he had his leather jacket on.

The older man had went to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee, once the coffee was brewing he pulled out some eggs and bread as he started breakfast. Erin had awoken to the smell of coffee, eggs and bacon, she looked around sleepily trying to remember when it hit her. She was in Hank's house because her sister was sick. She looked down to see the young girl still asleep, she then carefully picked her up and laid her back on the couch then covered her with the blanket finally she had kissed her head then headed for the kitchen.

"Morning Hank". Erin says.

"Morning". He replied. He poured himself and Erin some coffee.

"If you want I can take the day off and watch Jo". Erin says after taking a drink of the hot liquid.

"You sure? I can give Justin a call".

"I'm sure, any word on that case yet?"

"We have a bust going down later".

"Be careful alright".

"Always am". He then finished his coffee and put his mug in the sink. "Breakfast is ready for you guys, Jo gets her medicine every few hours, there's soup in the cabinet-" He was cut off by Erin chuckling.

"Hank I know where everything is and I got this if anything changes you're the first person I call".

"I've never left you guys while you were sick".

"It's only for a day we'll be fine".

Hank then saw his little girl waking up and started to slowly move toward him and Erin.

"Morning my little sleeping beauty, how are you feeling". Hank says to his little girl.

"I still no feel good". Jordan said weakly.

"It'll be alright you'll feel better in a couple days".

"Daddy are you leaving?" She noticed her father dressed and about to leave.

Jordan Voight: Childhood YearsWhere stories live. Discover now