4. Presentation

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Vienna was in the library early morning studying. She needed to present her project for initial stage of the week long assessment. She was sitting in the warm library's top floor as she had a view of the playground. It was snowing but it didnt matter to the boys. They still played basketball. They liked to be rebels. It was freezing outside. She watched Tristan playing with the boys who were in the same year as him. Their school was different to other places. You could opt to go to college at seventeen or you could stay the year like Tristan had and transfer to second year of college doing assessments long distance. Tristan and Vincenzo had opted for the option alongside many other students who graduated from high school last year. Tristan wanted to go to college at the same year as Vienna. She didnt mind that. But she wasnt sure about how she felt about being in senior year and Tristan being one of her assessors.

Indeed, senior year students were being assessed non stop throughout the year to keep on top of the work. the students in the year above were involved in assessing them and giving feedback for improving their work. They were mostly top graduates of the high school who opted for the college preparation year. Tristan was one of them and his experties in many fields meant Vienna could see him at some point that day in her classes. It was abit awkward at times to see Tristan as lecturer or assessor. She hoped to see Vanessa visiting her class that day instead. She was an expert in medical physics which was the field her project was based on. But Tristan was expert in almost everything. So she could get any of them. Vincenzo was busy that day because he had to go offsite to the airport do some experiements. So Vincezno wasnt available either.

As the bell rang, Vienna collected her belongings and made her way to her class. She entered her classroom and sat down, waiting for the teacher. They studied some theory aspects and then when it was time to do some presentations, the lectuerer made an announcement "Class, you will have one of the college level assessors visiting you now to watch you present your findings so far in your projects. Make sure you take the feedback on board. I will be in the classroom next door overseeing some practical work."

Vienna took out her notes and started revising. Minutes later, she noticed the whoel class went quiet. She looked up and saw Tristan at the door. He was going to oversee them present work.

Vienna sighed and muttered under her breath "Oh great."

Tristan entered the room elegantly with his note pad and glanced at Vienna nodding "Its great to see you too..." He then stood in front of the class and instructed "Now class, you are the lucky ones today. I am assessing your presentation today. Listen to feedback because you wont be getting another one on your presentations from me. If you dont make the right adjustments by the end of the week, then its bye bye college in case of some of you who want to study science subjects. If you try to be funny, dont. I dont like it. You will listen to the presentations and ask questions. If you try to hide, it wont sit well with me. There is no where to hide in this collge. From day one until now that you have stepped into this school, you have been assessed to prepare you for college. You either are college material or you are not. If you cant handle this week, then choose another school. Do arts, music, theatre or anyting else not science related. Science is not for everybody. Only best survive it. If Science was easy, then all politicians would have had science degrees."

Vienna put her hand up. Tristan glanced at her "Yes Vienna."

Vienna cleared her throat "There are some politicians with science degrees. Margaret tatcher studied chemistry..."

Tristan looked amused "There are exceptions perhaps... Chemistry. Huh? They call her Iron lady for other reasons too then..." He looked at the class "Well. Then maybe she is not a true politician. She is a maverick as we call them... All politicians want the easy way out. They just talk. No one needs a brain to talk. Anyone is capable of doing it. Science is what challenges you to the brink of breaking point. If you feel like your brain is getting fried and you are struggling while you are studying then that shows you are learning something worth learning. Then that means you are learning some concept that can make a difference. What is the point of reading something you already know and aleardy understand? You are here because you are to learn. If you knew it all, then you did not need to attend school at all. This school does not penalise you on what you dont understand or cant do. The school penalises you for wasting time, resources and opportunities. If you are given help, take it." He was looking directly at Vienna.

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