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"Miss Ellen!"
I flinched dropping the plate into the sink splashing some of the running water on myself.

"Oh my goodness! I'm sorry Miss Ellen it's just that you were so deep in thought." Yuri explained as she dried my hands with her apron.

"It's ok I'm sorry I'm so distracted, what were you saying?"

I had been deep in thoughtㅡ I was worriedㅡever since the men had gotten back from the meeting Yoongi had been quiet. All throughout dinner he bearly spoke a word and as soon as he finished he disappeared into his office.

"Go on! I'll finish here you've worked hard today without having to do so now go relax..." she smiled before lightly pushing me in the direction where the rest of the guys were chatting and laughing by the pool.

"Okay okayㅡ" I giggled "ㅡbut make sure you and the rest of the staff eat and take what's left homeㅡ" I said before she shooed me out of the kitchen.

As soon as I stepped out the glass door the guys greeted me with smiles before returning to their different conversations.

"You're a great cook ehㅡ"
I turned to Namjoon who was leaning on the brick wall lighting up a cigarette.
"Thank you~ why are you standing over here by yourself." I crossed my arms around me due to the chilly weather.
"Just thinking, even if I was with the guys I would pay no attention so might as well stand peacefully by myselfㅡ" he shrugged his shoulders.

I must have been deep in thought because his chuckling brought me back realizing I hadn't responded.
"So it's two of us deep in though huh?" he took a long drag from the cigarette and turned looking out to the sea.

"Yeah~" I breathed out doing the same and resting my elbows on the short brick wall that divided the back porch from the beach.
"What happened today at the meeting?" I blurted out quickly realizing how surprised Namjoon was and turned back to look at the moonlit shore "ㅡit's because Yoongi's just acting differently".

"Yeah, I noticed, it's not because of you, it's just shit going on it's stressful on him y'know" he must've seen my unsure expression because what he did next really was unexpected. His hand ruffled my hair as if I was a kid and I turned to glare at him causing him to let out a laugh, a real one.

"You should laugh more often." I attempted to ruffle his hair the same way but failed because of the height difference.

"He cares about you," he quickly changed the subject but the lightly mood remained "ㅡif you're worried about him you should talk to him."

I nodded feeling a bit relieved from our conversation before deciding that was the only option "I guess that's what I'll do, thank you."

"What for?" his eyes remained on the beach as he exhaled a cloud of smoke.
"Everything I guess, being my friend, all of you actually and thank you for taking care of Yoongi." I took the cigarette from his mouth and snapped what was left in half before letting it fall and crushing it with my heel "ㅡand please stop smoking I'd take a bullet for you if it meant you not getting hurt, don't be the one killing yourself with this".

He warmly smiledㅡ his glare from before disappearing. Instinctively my fingers poked his dimples before bursting out laughing at the cheesiness of the situation.

"Alright we need to get goingㅡ" he said as he stepped closer kissing the top of my head.
"I guess you're turning soft tooㅡ" I teased him before hugging the rest of the guys goodbye.

"Say that again and I'll fuck you up." he glared at me as I walked them to the exit.
"And we'll fuck you up if you do..." Taehyung boldly spoke back earning a slap on the back of the head by Jin.

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