Good Boy (Marcus Ericsson)

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***ATTENTION*** can be a little bit hot

After Azerbaijan GP, where many teams showed a great result, drivers decided to celebrate it. So right after the race everybody were having fun in the Buddha Bar, Marriott Hotel. As you were Toro Rosso's team member and had great relationships with drivers, they took you with them. 

- More drinks! - said Stoffel, already drunk. 

- Kid, you need to relax a little. - Fernando took away the beer from young Belgian. - Plus, I don't want to be the one to drag you to your hotel room. 

- Oh, cmon, don't be so daddy to me. 

- THAT SOUNDS SO PERVERT!- Ricciardo shouted out and Kevin laughed. 

- How bad your mind is...- you whispered, what made Daniel smile. - Marcus, how about a glass of wine? 

- No, thanks. I am good.- he answered, sitting in front of you, next to Esteban O. 

- Oh, our good boy is so Marcus. - said Ocon and wrapped his arm around Marcus's neck. 

- I am not a 'good boy', I just...

- Are you bad, hah?- winked Lewis. 

- God, you are very pervert, guys.- Ericsson laughed. You stared at him for a moment. You had a crush on him even before you became a part of F1 family, but since different teams were separating you, your decision was not to tell anything. It was your little secret. But sometimes you caught his eyes on you, even when you were not talking. But trying to ignore it, so there will be no hope that can destroy you from inside, you were staying silent and cold. But now a part of you wanted to joke with him, frustrate him a little. Maybe it's alcohol to blame. 

- Okay, Lewis, stop it, he is too good and pure for jokes like that. Do not spoil the child. - you said. Marcus looked at you in a strange way, you have never seen that look before. 

- Oooh... - sang Stoffel. 

Marcus smiled and stood up. 

- While you are talking dirty, I will have a fresh air.- he left to the balcony. Maybe your words hurt him? Or was it a bad joke? You decided to follow him. 

- Marcus, I didn't mean to... 

He turned to you and caught your wrists, holding you closer. 

- M... Marcus...

- Funny thing. Why everybody thinks that I am so good? Maybe I just don't want to be bad to everyone? Some parts should be left for special people, you know. 

His eyes changed their light blue color to darker. 

- I know that you like me. - he finally said, still holding your wrists. You were closed up between the balcony railing and Marcus. 


- Yeah, thats why you are screaming. Don't be so nervous, Y/N.

- I am not nervous. 

- I feel it. 

- You are too sarcastic for the g...

But you couldn't finish your sentence, Marcus interrupted you by a passionate kiss. Definitely not a good boy thing. 

- Call me a 'good boy' again. - he smirked. 

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