Dentist (Stoffel Vandoorne)

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- No, I will not go there, I am totally okay.

- Stoffel, damn you, Vandoorne, you can't eat! You were even crying yesterday!

- What happens yesterday stays in yesterday...

Stoffel was walking away from you to the kitchen. You were trying to force him to go to the dentist and heal his tooth. But he was acting like a kid!

- You can't run away from me in our house!

- Try to catch me!

- God, you are not afraid to drive at speed over 300, but afraid to spend an hour...

- IT HURTS! - he touched his cheek and closed eyes.

- Thats enough. - you grabbed the keys from car. - You are coming with me, and I dont care you want it or not.

He gulped.


- Please, stop moving, I can hurt you. - the doctor said as Vandoorne couldn't find a normal place for his damn butt.

- Exactly you will!

- Gosh...- you sighed and took his arm. - Babe, please relax.


- I think I have an idea. - dentist aka Dc. Russel approached his table and started to make... something.

- W... What are you doing? What is this?

- Laughing gas. - he smiled.

- I dont want...

- Choose: this or hype.

Stoffel thought a little and nodded, accepting the gas. In about 6 minutes I couldnt recognize my boyfriend. He was calm, relaxed and smiling.


- Ahah, and do you know what horses say when they agree on something?- he said laughing and looking at me. He was laughing about 20 minutes and couldnt stop.

- No, Stof, I ...


I facepalmed myself and turned to Dc. Russel.

- How long?

- Hour maximum. - he smiled, holding laugh. I saw it.

**** in the car ****

- And do you know cow's favorite planet? MOOOOOOOn - he was laughing in a whisper, cause couldn't even get a sound out. You wondered how he still breathing.

**** at home ****

After an hour and maybe 15 minutes he fell asleep. And after one more hour Stoffel Vandoorne came back.

- What... What happened?- he asked me when I sat next to him on the couch and gave him a kiss on the lips.

- Ask the horse and a cow.

okay guys, I am not sure how laughing gas actually works so I am sorry if it was far away from reality. but I remember how you loved the 'Drunk' Daniel imagine and decided to give you another 'funny'... I hope it was.

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