Drunk Talks (Fernando Alonso)

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*I remember how you guys liked this with Daniel, so decided to write about drunk Fernando. I hope you will like it too*

- Nando, I think it is enough for you.

You forced Fernando to go home from this wild party Lewis had. Spaniard was already drunk and you wanted him to make it to your bedroom himself, cause... Cmon he is too big to carry him bridal-style.
  You opened the passenger door for him.

- Gracias, amor...- he said with a smile.

- Remember than I don't speak spanish, babe.

- Si... I mean, si, of course.

You turned the engine on and started your way home.

- WAIT WAIT WAIT!- suddenly Fernando screamed and you hit the breaks.

- What?? What happened??


- You are in Monaco!!! Calm down!!!

He held his head and let out a groan. Jesus...

- Fuck my head... - he moaned.

- Hold on, already there. Next time you wont drink so much, puto.

- Why you call me as Mickey Mouse dog? Do I look like a dog?- he asked in an almost childish voice.

- Wha.... I said PUTO and not PLUTO.... God... Get out.

You entered the house and Fernando moved to the kitchen.

- Damn! SOMEBODY STOLE OUR BED! WHY IN THE WORLD SOMEONE NEED THE BED?!- he shouted, holding onto the fridge because he was shaking as an ocean wave. You took him by the arm and in silence made your way to the bedroom on the second floor.

- Oh, I found the bed. - he said and laid down. - Like Dora... Dora the explorer. ALO ALO ALONSO EXPLOREEEER ...

- Shut up!- you covered his mouth with a hand. - Just sleep, babe, okay? Sleep. Please.

- Do I have a bad voice?- his face expression was sad.

- N... No, you have a great voice.

- Like a singer?

- Yes.

- Like Beyonce?

You rolled your eyes and helped him to change into the pijama pants.

- Now sleep. - you kissed his cheek and he smiled at you.

- Te amo, mujer guapa. Pero tengo la novia. Y... (I love you, beautiful woman. But I have a girlfriend and...)

- SLEEP!  

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