You Are Taken! (Nico Rosberg)

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Request for @Mary727262 🌸 Sorry that it took so long, hope you'll like it!


It's not the place that makes it feel like home, but people and Y/N was lucky to find Rosberg family, especially Vivian. When you moved to Monaco from your hometown, you rushed into Vivian in a shop, ice cream shop, that belonged to her. From that day you became very good friends, and for that reason you spent a lot of time together, hanging out with her and her husband - ex-Formula 1 driver Nico Rosberg.

To be honest, you had a HUGE crush on him, even before you met. As an F1 fan, at first it was hard to get used to all conversations with him, but after a while, you could even joke with him! You really liked Vivian so there were no signs of any attraction from your side, however sometimes you could feel him staring at you.

- Y/N, I need your help! - it was another beautiful evening in Monaco, when you, Vivian and Nico were having a light dinner on their balcony.

- Yes, Viv, what is it?

- We are going to the FIA ceremony next month and... I want you to prepare my dress, it would be an honor to wear and it shows you and your talent!

You noticed how Nico was smiling at you. This is such a big moment for you and the chance to show what you are capable of. Of course, you agreed, there couldn't be another option.


Another sleepless night of yours... Months seems like a lot of time but it's not, not at all! You have been working on the design for 13 days and now you found the right fabric, but also Vivian asked for accessories and 'signature' of hers... You decided to go with an ice-cream brooch on the left side of her waist.
A slight knock on the door distracted you from your little dream-time. You looked like an artistic mess: fluffy hair in a messy ponytail, an oversized t-shirt with Buzz Lighter and fluffy socks with black shorts.

- Nico? - he was standing with a paper bag full of stuff, as you could see there were Nutella and some chips that you really liked.

- You didn't answer Vivian's calls and I was worrying.

He said I instead of we...

- Come in, that's really cute from your side, guys. - Nico left all the groceries (and not only) on the kitchen table and turned to me with a smile. This man will be the death of me...

  Nico prepared spaghetti and insisted on the break, as he noticed your condition of non-stopping work.

- You don't have to kill yourself for that dress, you know. - he smiled warmly, looking as you were devouring those prawns with pasta he made. How long have you been on without eating? 28 hours or so?

- I know but I can't let Viv down, I have to do every detail on point and... OH NO! - you stood up letting the fork to fall down.

- What? - Nico stood as well.

- I FORGOT ABOUT THE EARRINGS, SHIT! I HAVE TO CALL THE COMPANY TO... - you were about to leave him alone on the balcony but Rosberg grabbed your arm and stopped you.

- You will do it tomorrow.

- No, I...

- Tomorrow, Y/N. And there is no 'no' today. - he made a step closer to you still not letting your hand. You gulped. - Look at your eyes, - he stroke your cheek, - You are tired and exhausted. The only thing you need is bed and a good hours of sleep.

  There was a moment. Do you know when you feel something you are not allowed to feel? This is exactly that moment. Nico is a married man whose wife is your best friend, and plus he is a father of two kids. What are you expecting here? Even thinking about it counts as a sin, if all this God thing exists.
  He leaned closer and there were only few inches between your lips, but even that distance disappeared in few seconds - he was kissing you. Or is it you kissing him? You didn't notice how your hand found its way to his hair, and his hand wrapping around your waist pulling you closer. You knew it wasn't right. You knew it.

- Nico, no... - you pushed him slightly. - We can't.

- But I...

- You are taken! Thats the thing and Vivian is my friend, I can't do that to her, even if I love you.

- You love me? - he moved closer. - You just said it. - but you were silent. - Please, Y/N.

- Yes, I do. I always did. But it doesn't ma...

  He didn't let you finish as his lips crashed yours once again. There was no time or walls, no 'yes' and 'no' - only you two and already cold spaghetti.


Hey, everybody who reads this. It takes a lot of time to write anything these past weeks, idk why. Probably because I have a lot of romantic requests and the whole romantic shit makes me extremely sad, especially last 2 days.

Its not a big deal though, I am still writing as I have a lot of requests and also my own stories, but just letting you know that I remember about your requests and sorry that it takes so long. Xx

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