Awkward Subway (Kimi Raikkonen)

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You and Kimi were on a vacation in New York- city of your dreams. You have already visited Time Square, Washington and Central Parks and Empire State Building, and everything only in one day!!! Thats why both of you were a little bit exhausted.

- Let me take Uber.- Kimi said and was about to open the app on his phone, but you stopped him, by touching his hand.

- No, it will take too much time... I am dying already...

- Okay, we can go on foot, its only few blocks from our hotel.

- Nooooo......

- Okay, babe, how about subway?

- Yes.

- You just wanted to visit the NYC subway, didn't you?

You gave him a smile and took him by the hand.

***** in the subway*****

You found your line that was marked in red on the map and followed the ladders, that were leading to your platform. From a distance you could see a man, who was staring at you without hiding it. You just turned away from him. When the train arrived, the man walked into the same wagon as you and Kimi did. There were no empty seats, so you had to stand on your feet, and the man, that was creeping you out, was right behind you. After a while you could feel his body getting closer to yours. You moved away and tighten the grip on Kimi's hand. But the man continued to move closer.

- Hey, idiot. - Kimi took you by the waist and stood in front of you, closing you from the man. - You have problems? Or you dont see that she is with me?

The man just smirked at Kimi. Oh, poor thing... Raikkonen took him by the collar and pressed against the doors.

- You think I am funny?

- N-no, bro, I was just...

- Bwoah, bro? Fuck off my girlfriend if your life matters for you, got it? - Kimi let the man go and even got some applause from the passengers.

When we got off Kimi took my hands and looked at me.

- Next time I will take Uber.- he smiled.

- Yeah... Sorry that I didnt listen to you and...

He gave you a light kiss on the lips.

- Im sorry that I didnt see that idiot earlier. 

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