Chat Room of F1 Drivers

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*I wanted to do it so much! There is no Y/N character, just F1 drivers. Hope you will enjoy it!*

Daniel Ricciardo created a group 'Drivers😎'
Daniel Ricciardo added 19 members.

Fernando: Que es eso? (what is it?)

Carlos: No se. Tengo esto pregunta tambien. (I don't know. Have the same question)

Daniel: Stop it with your spanish magic! I already hear Fernando's voice.

Valtteri: 😂😂 same

Sebastian: Who is 'LONE'?

Daniil: Probably Timati. (*ba da tss* russian joke)

Carlos: I am not your teammate anymore.

Valtteri: 😂😂😂

Lewis: LONE - L for Lewis, ONE for number one☝🏽

Sebastian: Whatever... I thought Rosberg was in love with himself.

Fernando: "Britney"- Mark Webber

Pascal: Webbonso vibes :3

Fernando: What?

Stoffel: I am here!!!

Fernando: No

Carlos: No

Valtteri: 😂😂😂😂

Nico H. : Valtteri, do you have any other buttons?

Valtteri: Ask Jenson😏

Lewis: *facepalm*

Nico H.: Better use emoji, I swear...

Valtteri: That was mean...

Kimi Raikkonen left the group.

Daniel: T_T

Marcus: I feel it coming


Valtteri: 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Max: Heyyyaaaa!

Stoffel: Hey there!

Daniel: Lets have a party!

Fernando: Only because Max came online?

Daniel: ... No...? Just... Well.... 😐

Nico H.: I vote for party, bring the food! A lot! I am hungry.

Kevin: Eat eggs.

Valtteri: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Fernando: B-burn.

Nico H.: Fuck. Off. Magnussen.

Kevin: Fight me. :)

Nico Hulkenberg left the group
Kevin Magnussen left the group

Stoffel: Can we panic now?

Pascal: Ron, is that you?

Valtteri: I feel like somebody is watching us, but doesn't reply...

Marcus: Dan, who is Britney?

Nico R. : You won't believe.

Daniel Ricciardo left the group
Sebastian Vettel left the group
Marcus Ericsson left the group
Fernando Alonso left the group

Valtteri: Ops... Hello, Nico...?

Nico R.: Assholes.

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