PS4 (Charles Leclerc)

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Days like today I call 'Lazy Sunday'. Me and Charles've woke up about 15 minutes ago and its already 2:36 PM. He has 2 weeks before the next race and that means we can enjoy our company for a little longer as usual. Pizza was on its way and nothing could be better.

- How about a little tournament? - he suggested. I lifted myself to look at him.

- Tournament?

- Yes! - he sit. - PS4!

- Oh nooo..... - I groaned. - Not F1 again, please, I am so tired of loosing.

He laughed and put me closer to him.

- I will let you pick the game.

- Well, thank you, Charles The Kindest.

He giggled and left a light kiss on my cheek. After few seconds he was standing next to our 'game shelf'. Yes, both of us are crazy gamers and prefer Ps4 than going to parties.

- How about Call of Duty?- he questioned. I rolled my eyes as a 'no'. He nodded. - Split Second?

- Nope.

- Simpsons!!!

- Babe, its a game for one. Maybe 'Zombie Night'?

- As you wish, princess.


Pizza, chips, cola and marshmallows - huge mess around us, while we were fighting those zombies!


3rd time in a row and I became a winner. Charles is a real looser in this game.

- I don't wanna play anymore... - he left the controller on the floor and moved to the sofa with a face of pouted child. I laughed a little and came closer.

- Somebody doesn't like to be a looser?

- I am not! I did it on purpose...

- Of course you did. - you grinned.

- I am not playing.

You hugged him and placed your head on his chest.

- You know what that means?

- What?- he asked with an interest that he wanted to hide desperately.

- That I will protect you during the Zombie Apocalypse.

He laughed and hugged me back.

- You are too cute, Y/N.

- Who says that, kid?

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