Not interested (Nico Hulkenberg)

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request by @KamiiTth ^_^

- Do I really need to sit all the time here?- you asked Sebastian, your older brother, sitting in Ferrari's boxes.

- Well, you are supporting me, so, yes!

- No, I am not.

- Thank you, I love you too.

You made an ironic smile and looked down in your phone. You liked Formula 1, but sitting for 2 hours in the garage was too hard for an active person like you.
  The race has started and everything was quite boring... Until the red flags appeared.

- Finally something cool!- you said out loud what made 3 people look at you. Red flags meant that all the cars were standing in a row next to the boxes. You could see Sebastian's car in front of you and one Renault. Nico Hulkenberg's Renault.
  Sebastian entered the boxes and started to talk with his team about something. You saw how Nico Hulkenberg was standing next to his car and looking right in your direction. Though he had a helmet on, you knew he was looking at you. Not on the wall probably, duh. After few minutes of staring you opened your hands and said 'What' with your lips, so he could understand. He turned around to his car. Idiot... 

***end of the race***

Again you saw Nico, who was staring at you, while you were waiting for Sebastian in the paddock. He was playing on your nerves. You decided to ask him as it is. You made your way to him.

- Hello.- he smiled.

- Lets pretend. Why are you staring at me?

- Me? No, I do not.

- Yes, you do.

- Yes, I do, so what?

- I don't like it.

- Well, and I like to look at you. You are Y/N, right?

- Yes. And I know what you are thinking.

He grinned and put his arm on the wall, next to you.

- Oh really? Tell me.

- You think that you are so cool, said that I am beautiful and I will fall in love with you? No, Hulkenberg. Forget. You won't get me.

He laughed a little.

- Well, FIRST, I did not say that you are beautiful, darling. - this made your cheeks burn red. With anger. - Second, i WILL get you. It is a time question. But third... I don't even like you.

- You are a selfish asshole.

- And you are a beautiful bitch. - he smiled. - But even your beauty can't hide your...

You didn't even listen to him till the end. You turned around and walked away. Idiot. Asshole. IDIOT! Duh.


Through the whole week you caught yourself on thoughts about Nico. Once you even chatted with him.

*chat conversation*

- queen followed me on Instagram. i am so happy.

- shut up, Hulkenberg. I did it NOT on purpose.

- of course, darling :) i believe you.

- *middle finger emoji*

- *peach emoji*


Two week passed. You were sitting in Ferrari garage... again. Waiting for the end of the race, despite the fact that it has just started. But at the second turn Renault car broke down. And it was Nico Hulkenberg. It was your chance to laugh. You left your place and moved to paddock. After about 10 minutes you saw him. He saw you too and smiled.

- Well, well, well. You know why I love this race?- you asked him.

- Why?

- Because you are not in it.

He grinned.

- Why do you hate me so much?

- You started it.

- When?! What did I DO?!

- Oh, you... You....

You couldnt even remember. He smiled more widely and made a few steps to you. But you didnt move.

- Get lost, Hulkenberg.

- What if I kiss you?- he suddenly asked.

- Y... You will not.

He came closer and crushed his lips on yours. At first you tried to push him away, but his grip was too tight. Then you started to enjoy the kiss, and when you loved it, he stopped.

- I need air, darling. We will have time.- he winked at you.

- Never! - you shouted to his back. He turned to you.

- I will pick you up at 8 PM.

- Okay.

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