Bad Day pref. Part I

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Kimi Raikkonen:

Day off. On this week, instead of 2 days, you had only 1 to relax and take a step back from work. But it was not as perfect as you imagined. First, you burnt your eggs. After, you were out of wifi and couldn't watch your favorite TV serial. Not the end yet! You went out to buy Kimi's favorite ice cream, but guess what? Car, that was riding on the road, got into puddle and of course you were standing near.

You got home hardly keeping yourself from screaming.

- Hey, where have you... - you heard Kimi's voice from the living room, as you made your way there. - Y/N? Are you okay?-he looked at your wet clothes and red eyes.

You shook your head and approached him slowly, buried your head in his chest and started to cry quietly.

- Hey... - he whispered and hugged you, caressing your hair. - Whats wrong, honey?

- I am the most unlucky person in this world... I... I wanted this day to be perfect! I wanted to have a good breakfast and... And finish my serial and... And I wanted to buy your favorite ice cream... - you cried harder.

- Hey, hey cmon, you are not.

- Yes... Yes I am.

- Right, this is not right. Come here.

He lifted you up and went to couch's direction.

- What are you doing... - you said through tears.

He put you on the couch and sat near, taking you in his arms again. You two just were sitting in silence for a moment. Then he started to talk:

- You are just a person, who had a bad day. Plus, he wasn't that bad, do you know why?

- Why?

- I bought your favorite food. - you looked at the kitchen table and saw bags with food. - During our dinner we can watch your serial together. And wet clothes... Bwoah, who needs clothes anyway.

You laughed and buried yourself more in him.

- I love you.

He smiled and kissed your lips.

- I know.

- Raikkonen!

- Hehe, I love you too, honey.

Fernando Alonso:

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Fernando Alonso:

- Amor, I am...


- ... Home.

You were sitting on the floor, broken iPhone laying next to you. Tears... Tears... Tears... You lifted your head to see Fernando's shocked face. He slowly was making steps to you.

- What wrong, Y/N?

You wanted to answer that you lost your job, the job you really liked. The job you enjoyed a lot. And the reason was because you left the city for grand prix. You really wanted to go, because Fernando needed your support and you regret nothing. But the decision from your boss was really unfair, at least because you were one of the best employers. When you opened your mouth to say this to Alonso, you just burst into tears. He sat on the floor next to you and put you closer. He gave you time to calm down. Only then you told him everything.

- Lo siento. - he said. (Im sorry)

- Its not your fault, stop it, dont even think like that. But I just... Where will I find a job now?

- Hey. - he took your arms and rubbed them with his fingers. - You don't need a job. I have enough...

- I know, but I don't want to sit on your neck. I want to help.

He smiled warmly at you and took your face in his arms.

- Amor. You are helping. You are helping that you are with me, that you are supporting me, despite the fact that... Honda you know.

You smiled finally.

- Yes! This is the smile I love. Please, don't be sad because of work. You will find better, I will help as I can. And for now... - he hugged you. - Lets just enjoy Formula 1 together. Fly with me. Everywhere.

You smiled and nodded.

- Te amo, amor.

- I love you too, Ferry.

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