7 minutes in heaven (Pierre Gasly)

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- You know that I hate this game, don't you? - Sebastian said, sitting down on the floor in circle, that consisted of him, me, Lewis, Pierre, Daniel, Max, Nico, Valtteri, Marcus, Kevin and Fernando.

- I mean Y/N is the only girl here, I don't want to spend my 7 minutes of life with Valtteri. - said Max.

- Why not? I am cool. - Valtteri answered and we laughed. I glared at Pierre, he looked at me at the same time. I think I became a little bit red.

- Okay, lets start, kids. Lewis, you first. - Fernando gave Lewis a bowl with cards. Lewis took one.

- Nico!

- Wow, 2 hottest drivers at one closet, ITS GETTING HOT HERE!- Daniel shouted. They left.

- LEWIS TAKE ME RIGHT HERE! - we heard Nico's voice.

- GET A ROOOOOM!- Marcus said.

- They already are in a room!- Sebastian laughed.

  In the second round Pierre was the one who picked the card.

- Y/N. - he said and I froze. Fine... He helped me to get up and Fernando closed the closet behind us.

- You have 7 minutes!- he said. - Or more, just let me know!

- Idiot... - Pierre whispered and shyly smiled. I giggled and sat down on a random box. I guess one minute passed.

- So... How is your day going? - I asked. He raised an eyebrow.

- Seriously?

- Well, Im trying.

- I like you. 

I was about to fall down from the box and make a double jump in the air. What did he said?

- You...

- Yes, and I think it is a great possibility to finally say it: I like you. Really like you. Since you first visited Red Bull's garage I thought that you looked kinda cute, but I wasnt too good, but then I just decided to say "Hi" but then...

I stood up, took him by the collar and kissed.

- Shut up and kiss me already.

  He reconnected our lips and pressed me up against the wall. I reached his hair with one hand, and the other found its way around his neck. And it would be so nice...

- So, your 7 minutes are... WHAT THE HELL IS HERE! - Fernando screamed and shut the door leaving us inside. Again. - THEY ARE KISSING I MEAN REALLY! - we heard him say.

- Dude, of course they are, the whole pit lane knows about Pierre being in love with Y/N. - Kevin said.

- I didnt know!

- You are not a part of our F1 family. - Seb laughed.

Pierre grinned.

- So... Are you my girlfriend now?

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