Closer (Sebastian Vettel)

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You entered the house you were sharing with your husband, Sebastian Vettel. It was a summer break, and both of you were free as birds. Sound of music and not a very good voice caught your ear. You carefully put your keys on the table and leaned against the door, watching how Sebastian was dancing and singing to the song 'Closer' by Chainsmokers. 

- SO baby, hold me closer, to the back seat of your lala... 

- You can't even learn the words.- you said and because of a sudden he moved to fast, and it lead to the fall. 

- Oh, hello, I... I was just...

- I saw, yes. Looks cute. 

He blushed and moved to you to give a kiss. 

- You have a shoulder tattoo.- he said.

- And...?

- Let me bite that tattoo on your shoulder...

You laughed and wanted to go to the kitchen, but he caught your wrist and got you back. 

- Dance with me!

- You are such a kid, God... - you rolled your eyes and wrapped arms around his neck, touching his blonde hair, twisting it on the finger. It always gave him shivers. He put his head on your shoulder, closer to the ear. 

- So, baby... Put me closer... 

Then he started to sing it in german and making rhymes at the same time. Did he prepare? You just smiled at him. Vettel looked at you and leaned to kiss you. 

We ain't ever getting older...
We ain't ever getting older...

He tightened his grip on your waist and lifted you up, rounding a little. He was a good dancer, much better than you. If only a year ago you would never agree to dance, now everything has changed. You danced with him whenever and wherever you could. He turned you around and your back was reclined on his chest. Both of you were holding hands and slightly moving from one side to another. 

- I love you.- he whispered in your ear and you turned your head to kiss him. 

- I love you too. 

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