Jealous (Carlos Sainz Jr)

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Finally FP1 is finished and you can normally relax. It was a tough practice for Toro Rosso team, especially for Carlos, because he had troubles with his car. But now he is finally out of it and moving forward to you, to give your a quick kiss. 

- Missed me, bebe?- he asked with his spanish accent. 

- Let me think... 

He laughed and went for a talk with mechanics. 

- Hey, Y/N!- Daniil approached you and gave you a hug. You had a very good friendship with Kvyat, plus, you talked fluent russian, so you even had your own secret conversations. 

*dialog in russian*

- Missed me?- he copied Carlos and you laughed. 

- Very similar indeed.

- I am a talented guy, I know it. 

- Yeah, and very modest at the same time.- you playfully hit him in the shoulder. Daniil put his arm next to you on the wall, but you didn't give it much attention, so neither did he. You were talking about the race and how three of you can relax after the race with beer at Daniil's place. 

- Y/N. - Carlos came to you and through not so kind look to Kvyat. Wrapping his arm around your waist he put you closer to himself. - Nice race. - he said to Daniil in a cold voice. 

- Yes, not bad. I'm sure you will be better in FP2. 

- Claro. (in spanish 'of course') 

Kvyat nodded with a smile and left. You turned to your boyfriend. 

- A little bit more and I will die from your hug. 

- You think I am blind? 

- Uhm... Let me think...

- Don't joke with me right now. 

He was angry and his face became a little bit red, it always happens when he looses control. 

- Hey, are you... Jealous? 

- Of course not! - he turned away from you and began to zip and unzip his suit. 

- Awe... Que lindo! (how cute) 

- No es lindo! (its not cute) 

You put your head on his shoulder and whispered to his ear:

- You are so hot when you are jealous. 

He turned to you again. 

- Me and Daniil are good friends and he invited us for a beer after everything. You can be more friendly. He is a good guy. 

Carlos laughed to himself and hugged you.

- I need to control myself a little. 

- You are a jealous spanish ass and I love you. 

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