Disneyland (Marcus Ericsson)

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- Where are we going?

Putting our luggage on the shelves, you and Marcus took your seat in the train... Train to Disneyland. The place Marcus always wanted to visit, but didn't have time or opportunity, or the right person to travel with.

- Marcus, you are acting like a kid.- you laughed and lay down.

He moved from his side and sat next to you, taking your legs and putting it on his.

- I will! Because I want to know!

- Okay, okay, we are just going to a village.

His face expression changed from excited one to bored. Definitely he was expecting something more funny and entertaining, than just a quiet village.

- Oh.

- Is that a problem? I thought we could have a great time together, away from crowded city...- you took his hand in your and he smiled again. How hard it was to keep yourself from laughing.

- You are right. Great idea, princess. Anywhere, but with you.

After a few hours you finally arrived. But of course it wasn't a village. Marcus was so busy with his own thoughts and inculcating that it is a good idea, that he didn't see the huge castle, people with balloons and a lot of Disney signs.

- Okay, I am ready to enjoy the village air.

- Marcus...

- No, no, it is an amazing idea, really.

- Marcus, look.

He turned to you finally and the luggage fell down from his hands.

- You... You didn't.

- I did.- you smiled with a huge pride of yourself. He took a step closer to the gates of the magic world, and then ran back to you to loft you up.

- Marcus, what are you doing!

- I love you.

- Oh really?

He put you down.

- Do you know have expensive it is, Y/N? You are crazy!

- It was your dream, why can't I make it come true?

He smiled at you and took your face in his arms.

- My dream came true the day I met you. But this...- he laughed. - I can't even find any words. I am super excited.

- Then lets go?

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