Sleepless Nights (Kimi Raikkonen)

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*thats NOT what you are thinking about 😇*

Night. First night when Kimi cam back from the race week. You haven't seen him for 5 weeks and your emotions were on the highest level of acceptable. Maybe that was the reason why you couldn't sleep... You wanted it to be like this. But insomnia didn't left from the first day he left and for this period of time you were really tired. But still your eyes were opening up. You stood up, trying not to wake up Kimi, and made your way to the kitchen, for a glass of milk with cookies.

- Hey.- you heard a sleepy harsh voice.

- Oh, I am sorry that...

- You did not. I just felt you standing up. Whats wrong, madam? - he took a sit next to you.

- I can't sleep.

- Why is that?

- Insomnia. Get back to bed, I will handle with it. - you gave him a smile.

- Bwoah, no. We will stay up all night together.

- No, no. You are tired, you need to sleep.

- And you are robot, aren't you?

After that little conversation you decided to come back with him and pretend that you are indeed sleeping. Only because he needed this rest, in a week he will be back for his crazy lifestyle, so you wanted him to be full of energy. You tried to sleep. You tried so hard. But everything was meaningless. Then you decided to make second effort of running away, but this time, Kimi caught your arm, his eyes still closed, and put you back.

- Kimi, I...

- Just come here.

He put you maximum close, you facing his chest. Then, he started to tap on your back a little. The same thing does mother for her little kid. It calmed you down. After that, he started to mumble something in Finnish. It made your eyes heavy. And then he put his lips to your forehead.

- Sleep...- he whispered. - Just sleep. Relax.

You tried and this time success was waiting. You finally slept. Like a baby.

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