Chinese GP (Sebastian Vettel)

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You were waiting for Sebastian in Ferrari boxes. He was upset and angry at the same time after Max took the podium away from him. After the race he moved right into the garage, without taking the helmet off. Sebastian entered his changing room and closed the door. You look at mechanics, they shrugged in disappointment.

You accurately knocked on the door, but he didn't answer. You decided to open the door, because he needed somebody next to him right now.

- Seb?- you called his name. Vettel was sitting on the little sofa, that was situated at the left side of the room, with his helmet still on and racing suit as well.

You sat in front of him on your knees and put your hands on his. He just sighed and squeezed his fists.

- You are still the first, babe.

Sebastian shook his head and looked down. You slowly moved your hands to his helmet and started to take it off. Finally you saw his blue, but faded eyes. You stroke his cheek and he leaned to your touch.

- Asshole.... - he groaned. You let out a little laugh. He lifted his head at once. - Why are you laughing?!

- Darling, I am not. - you said in the most serious face that was possible this moment. But failed. - I am sorry, just you look so cute when you are angry.

- Y/N, I lost because of him.

- I know, I know. - you tighten your grip on his hand. - I am sure he will approach you and...

- I don't need his fucking excuses, I lost the race!

- But you are still the first, and Lewis wasn't even on podium! - you raised your voice. - And not because somebody crashed in him, but because you are better.

Sebastian smiled a little and even giggled.

- Yes, he is...

You sat next to him and rested your head on his shoulder. He kissed you.

- Thanks, Y/N. You always know what to say...

- Yes, I do. 

- You could just stay silent...- he rolled his eyes.

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