Juniors texting Seniors

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Lando: Hey Daniel! As you are my next year's teammate ... can I go out tonight with friends?

Daniel: What did Carlos say to that?

Lando: He said NO

Daniel: Then why are you asking me, kid?

Lando: Well, he is not a boss to you

Daniel: *sweating* this is a trap...

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Lance: Checo, I have a question

Checo: Okay, go ahead

Lance: In percentage, how close I am to buy 2 packs of milk from the same cow?

Checo: I-

*** *** ***

Charles: You really dont celebrate your birthday?

Sebastian: No, mate

Charles: So you dont have balloons under your ceiling on the morning of your birthday?

Sebastian: No.

Charles: And you dont get Facebook notification with a cute message and confetti animation?

Sebastian: No...

Charles: And you dont make a wish on the cake candles??

Sebastian: Charles, its literally 7 months before my birthday anD ITS 3 AM!!!!

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