Chapter 14: New Look

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Ama's P.O.V

"Morning Ama." Jihun greet me with Yoshi alongside as they look half asleep and we are in the dining room for breakfast.

"Morning Jihun." I replied after I get all the foods I want.

Today is Monday. Ever since the school have sports day on Saturday, it gives us holiday for Monday only and I have no idea how to spent it. Probably go back to the forest but then again, I almost finished the painting and all I need to do is just wait until it's winter and I will go back to forest.

Jihun and Yoshi took his portion of the food and we sat down together and eat silently. There's nothing much to do actually, I eat normally while the two looks like they're gonna pass out on top of the food any time soon. Then, my phone vibrated and I took it out. It's a message from Hanmi.

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Hanmi: Let's go out today?

Fen: Finally, someone who have plan. Where should we go then?

Ming: Let's go to Lotte mall or even better, Lotte world.

Seriously? I don't mind going out but Ming, seriously? Lotte World?

Ming: Hey, it's for fun alright.

Yoshi: To be honest, Jihun and I are too tired to have fun in Lotte world right now.

Fen: Lotte mall it is then.

Hanmi: All in hands we're going to Lotte mall


Fen: Aye

Yoshi: Aye

Jihun: Aye

Ming: Aye

Hanmi: See you soon then

Ming: I'm gonna pick you guys up around 30 minutes Ama, Jihun and Yoshi.

Yoshi: Thanks

Jihun: Thanks


The chat ended as the three of us in the hostel, simultaneously type thanks to Ming. We take our time to eat however. Then as we finished, we go back to our room and I take a lukewarm shower. After that, I put on a turtleneck, long-sleeve shirt as usual and take my wallet and everything and go out of my room. Jihun and Yoshi already looked fresh and Ming have already waiting for us.

We go to his car and greet his mother who's driving right now. Without wasting more time, he press the gas and drove us to Lotte mall. Inside of the car, we talk a lot with Ming's mother until we lost sense of time and the outside world, realising finally that we have arrived in our destination. Ming's mother drop us off and drove away.

We saw Hanmi and Fen already arrived as we walk inside. We get to them and start to walk randomly, thinking of which place we should go. In the end, we stuck at the front, still thinking where we should go first.

"Let's have a drink first." I spoke and everyone agrees.

We go to a café nearby and order our drinks then sit down together. Still thinking about what we should do first in this mall.

I notice Hanmi brought something and ask, "What are you bringing?"

She looked at me and answered, "Secret." Then she hide it behind her back. "Speaking of this, we should really look new."

We look at her then Fen spoke, "I don't mind you want us to change our appearances."

"Will that be okay?" Ming look at them.

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