Chapter 29: Close enough

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Ama's P.O.V

"Isn't it beautiful looking at this weather?" Ming blurted out while we, the boarding house students enjoy our breakfast by looking at the white wonderland colour of the school landscape together with him including Hanmi and Fen.

"Winter is finally here." I replied after swallowing my food.

"So it's confirm." Jihun said.

"Yup." Yoshi replied.

We exchange glances with each other and nod our heads since we know something. After us, the boarding house student finish eating, we still sit quietly. Although it's for us to digest our food right now.

"Let's..." Ming said the head start.

"Ice skate!!!" we shout and jump happily.

"We haven't been ice skating at all during the summer break nor any weekends together." Fen said.

"That's why we wait until it's winter." Hanmi said.

"Entrance fee to our own ice skating rink..." Yoshi said.

"Is free." Jihun continues it.

"Let's head to the lake after school." Ming suggest and all of us nod with hum confidently.

After a while of celebrating that winter is finally here, we somehow sit there awkwardly silent with each other. The only thing we do right now is just staring at the bed of white snows covering almost everything on the field and the school. I take this chance to broke the silence and ask them again for help.

"So, uhh... guys..." I called them first and they all gave me a hum. "I'm still asking for help right now."

"Sorry Ama I would like to help but I have to follow my parents." Fen said. "I will be back before that day though." she added.

I sulk then look at Jihun and said, "What about you, Jihun? Can you help me?" I'm literally desperate right now.

"Sorry Ama, most of my relatives gonna visit us the whole holiday." he replied.

"Even when he's gonna come?" I raise my eyebrows.

"I do miss him but still my house gonna be crowded." he said and I sulk even more.

I try to keep my positive side then look at my next target, Yoshi. "No." he cross his arms.

"Why?!" I exclaim. "Come on, ask Inukai and Kizu."

"Although Inukai would be glad to have you with us, he hard heartedly said no." Yoshi explains.

"Come on, I can take the living room though." I suggest.

"That's the reason why he didn't give you." Yoshi said and I don't understand what he meant. "He care about you so he won't let you take the couch." he clarified it.

I let out a disappointed sigh then look at Ming. "Sorry Ama." he said and I don't have to hear it.

"Me too Ama, sorry." Hanmi said and I felt really devastated right now.

"So, all of us will celebrate the day together but I won't be able to have a place to stay within those times." I said in sad tone.

Jihun tap my shoulder then said, "You don't have to worry about, we will help you."

"For now, I will say thank you in advance." I replied and they all form a group hug around me. "But then again, I still feel frustrated by it."

"Mom don't be frustrated." I suddenly got hit by a body with tags word. It was Jaemin who said it.

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