Ending: Johnny

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Johnny's P.O.V

There are visible sweats literally forming at the edges of my face as I stare into the mirror for who knows how long has it been. Today is the biggest day of my life compare to the day I was about to debut. Furthermore, I am literally scared to the heart right now thinking about the responsibility I have to uphold soon.

"Hyung!!!" Mark barge in to my dressing room without a knock, rather, he breaks in with his foot. "What are you doing right now? Everyone is waiting." he told me in rush.

"I'm scared actually." I answered without anticipation and my heart beat just got faster than usual.

"Hyung, if you don't go in the hall now, the whole thing will be a mess." he replied. "Remember, if you turn back, I will take place." he reminded me which earn a glare at me.

"I will do it." I said with full determination. I breathe in air and said to him, "Let's do it."

"Then let's go hyung." Mark said and I got out of the dressing room finally and walk towards the hall.

Mark and I opened the hall's grand door which made me look at the sitting audience who have been waiting for the protagonist to show up. Moreover, all the eyes are on me. Of course, it is because I am the protagonist judging from my attire for today.

Without any more delaying, I walk my way at the end of the hall where the priest has been standing in the middle while Taeyong and Ten have been waiting for me with their tuxedo

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Without any more delaying, I walk my way at the end of the hall where the priest has been standing in the middle while Taeyong and Ten have been waiting for me with their tuxedo. Mark join the two of them after I stand on my place while waiting for my cue and her.

After a short minute, the grand door opened up again revealing a lot of bridesmaid with their partners each. Little kids throwing flower petals on the floor delicately. Finally, slowly come out our newest and youngest member of NCT holding his arm onto the woman who is holding a bouquet of flowers on her hand. My breathe hitch when I saw the bride of the day finally enter. Man, I should be calm right now. Therefore, silently I breathe in air and exhale to make me finally feel calm.

I can do this! I thought to myself with full determination.

Musicians start to play the beautiful wedding songs while Kotaro and my soon to be wife walk slowly to the platform that I have been standing. From where I see, it seems that Kotaro and my bride are having a little bit of conversation judging from the laughter that Kotaro are showing right in front of me. I wonder, what are they talking about.

Just as I thought that time passed really quick, I did not realize that my bride and my soon to be wife are already standing right in front of me after I followed her movement since I cannot take my eyes of her and wanting to see back the beautiful face that I would be seeing every day and my whole life soon. If that is the case, I straighten myself up and I am ready for the ceremony.

When the guests are seated down after the bride are standing on the altar and in front of me, the priest spoke out to start the ceremony, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here to unite two souls together for them to live their entire lifetime together. Before I proceed, is there anyone wants to refuse their fate?" The priest, Taeyong, Ten, Mark and I look at the audience. Thankfully, after seem to be a long five minutes' no one raises their hands or shout anything that is going to interfere my fate. After that, without delaying, the priest proceeds with the ceremony.

"In that case, let us proceed." The priest said and look at me first. "Johnny Seo, will you take Amaterasu as your lawfully wedded wife and will take care of her in times of sorrows and pain with love and compassion, and promise would be there for her forever?"

This is it, no going back. After all, she is the one who I love. Throughout those time whenever I am around with Ama, I realize, I never act like who I am but it makes me know who I am even more. Knowing Ama made me realize that to love someone, you must first love yourself. Therefore, I am glad that today, I will be marrying the person who gave me everything and even took care of me even when I do not realize that I need it.

Without any hesitation and delaying, I replied my answers in confident in front of the priest, "I do and until death do its part."

The priest smile showing that my answers are coming from confidence. Even my bride too moves her head a little bit which made me think that she must be moved by my answers since I am serious about it. Afterwards, the priest shifts his look to my bride and asked another question but now towards her. "Amaterasu, will you take Johnny Seo to be your lawfully wedded husband and will take care of him through the time of sickness and health and accept him to be your partner in life?"

My bride looks at the priest and respond her reply without hesitation by saying, "I do and he will be my partner even in the afterlife."

Okay, I have to admit, now I am crying internally after hearing from the most beautiful respond from the woman that I love. "You may now exchange rings." the priest said then, Taeyong come closer to me and brings me the rings on top of the cushion.

With these, there is no turning back and I am looking forward to the future that I am going to build with Ama no. Therefore, I take one of the rings and ready to placed it onto my brides ring finger. She held up her graceful hand and I slit in the ring onto her ring fingers straight away. Ama did the same thing and put my rings onto my ring fingers.

"I pronounce both of you now, husband and wife." The priest said after both of us exchange rings. "You may now kiss the bride." The priest said.

It is time for me to unveil the veil of my bride. Just as I pull up the veil, I can finally see back those beautiful eyes that I have been longing for, and the eyes that always look at me with intimacy. Amaterasu look beautiful and extraordinary with her heterochromia eyes and her original brown hair. In my eyes she is the perfect woman that I would spend my entire life with.

"Will I be the happiest man in the world by marrying you?" I whisper to her while on the same time teasing her with the thought that she might be anticipating the kiss.

"Kiss me first then I show you the answer." She replied with a flash of smile that made me happy from the inside. To me, her smile is already an answer.

Just like she said, I get closer to her then plant my lips onto her lips and I take a long time to enjoy the moment even though the crowds are clapping and cheering for us. Before I could pull away, out of sudden Amaterasu' s lips felt heavier on my side which made me realise that she is kissing me back giving us both another long time to enjoy the moment. From her actioned, I believe this is her answer and she will make me the happiest man in the world.

After seem to be a very long kiss, we finally pulled away from each other and I put my forehead on her forehead then we stare to each other and admire each other at a very close look. We smile and laugh with each other since we know that deep down, we are meant to be together.

"I love you Amaterasu," I said to her. "And I promise you, I will never hurt you, I will always notice your happiness, sadness and every feeling that you will go through and I will be there to go through together with you."

"I love you too, Johnny," She replied. "I have become your wife and I will be forever in debt with you for all the happiness you gave me until now. I will be by your side even though the situation will be hard for both of us and I will be there together with you."

Her replies never stop putting me a big smile on my face.

After the end of the ceremony and our wedding, we hang out together, eat together with my old and new family members and friends including the group members for the rest of the day.

Amaterasu, just finished my story of being alone. She helped me started a new chapter in my life.

I am happy.

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