Chapter 17: Favour

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Ama's P.O.V

Lazily, I keep on take a glimpse of the school report inside of the prefects room and skip breakfast. Ever since international is getting near, I've been in charge on the program and list most of the activities for the guests and the teachers. I am happy for it but I need energy to stay awake. Speaking at that, I forgot to take my pill so I take and swallow it with the help of water.

"Morning, Miss president." Ming suddenly burst open the door which I almost choke on the liquid.

"Morning Ming." I greet him back and wipe off my wet mouth.

He gets near me and said, "Ama, I need your help."

"With what?" I ask, ignoring him as I still looking on the school report.

"Don't get mad at me if I said it alright." he plead with his hand.

I stop writing on the reports and glare at him. "Is it necessary to bring it up?" I ask in between my mouth grit.

"Please, just for this once and I will never ask you to do it again." he plead again.

"What about Fen and Hanmi?" I ask and focus on him now.

"Fen have tuitions while Hanmi can't since she have a curfew." Ming answered.

"What about the other students? They are dying to date you." I respond.

He fidget his hands and said, "I know but it must be you right now."

"And why is that?" I look at him with questions.

"First, you haven't met my family. Second, my mom wants me to marry someone who I don't even want to. Third, I need someone who have the ability like Fen. Most importantly, it has to be a girl." he list it down.

"But your parents have met me." I correct the first one.

"Yeah but during our performance." he replied.

"Convincing." I said. "It's friendly right?"

He look at me with a little bit of hesitation and answered, "No more than that."

"I trust you Ming." I said and look back to the report. "So... should I speak in Chinese or normally in Korean or probably Japanese tonight?"

"Why not... all of it?" he answered and I look at him with playful smile.

"Deal." I admit it.

"Thank you so much Ama." he hold my hands then.

"Anytime and this is the first time I will go to a ball." I blurted.

"Still hurting?" he release his grip.

I look away from him with a little bit of depressed face and answered, "I don't really want to talk about it. And I also don't want to be involve again."

He look at me with worried face and open his mouth, "I know I'm not the right person to say this but I will try to-"

"Ming," I stop him and close my eyes. "Don't make me hate you."

When I opened my eyes again, he look at me much more worried. "Different person have different personality. I'm not like him. And I will never do such thing to a fragile person." he said with a stern eyes.

"I still need time Ming." I said while holding my chest.

"And I will support you." he hold my hands again. "All of us. Kotaro and VOEZ."

I smiled weakly and reply, "Thank you."

He smile and pat my head. "Now, let's go back to class." he said and we walk towards our class. "Should we perform today?" he ask while we are in the lift.

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