Chapter 16: Rainbow

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Ama's P.O.V

"So you're saying that if I lose I have to call you that?" I said and make my move on the board.

"Yeah." Yuta answered as he make his moves.

"And why is that?" I said again and take my turn.

"You look different and cute with white hair, it suits you. Also, you might as well get recruited." he complimented me and I caught off guard. "Got you." he said and make his moves.

"Just because of that?" I ask and take my turn again.

"Yeah." Yuta eyed smile while looking at the board and make his moves.

I make my moves first then said, "Then if I win you have to wake the others up."

"That's easy to do." he said and move again.

"Who said you're gonna go normally?" I said and looks like I'm winning right now.

"Wait," he stop and look at me. "You don't say..."

"It's quite surprise that I still kept inside of my bag and it doesn't even smell bad. Yet it still look okay and cute." I said and he suddenly make a violent move on the board.

"Is there anyways I can have the punishment without that?" he ask and I make my move as I get closer to him.

"Deals a deal." I clarified it.

"Alright then." he said and made his move.

I grin while looking at the board and finally move my queen and said, "Checkmate."

"That's not fair!" he refuse the defeat then roll and whine like a baby on the floor.

To be honest, Yuta and I slept together on the couch last night but separately while watching a marathon of Kamen Rider, right after I help the kids and Mark with their studies. I downloaded many series and he want to watch with me since he wants someone who have the same interests to go fanning over it.

Right now, we woke up quite early, took a morning shower and had breakfast before the other could even wake up. Then we have a little bet on who will win on the chess competition. If I win, he have to wear a maid costume and wake the others up.

"You've been sacrificing all of your knights, bishops and castles. Not to forget queen just now." I said then sigh in disbelief, looking at this guy.

"But you didn't even said 'Check'. It's against the rule." he whine.

"You're the one who let your guard off and when you move your kings that pace, it's already a trap." I explain his situation right now. "Poor King, no more wife and no more trusted allies."

"I'll do anything you ask but please not a maid costume." he plead and kneel towards me.

"Anything right? So I'm asking you to wake the others up while wearing a maid costume." I still stand on his punishment. "Please, Yuta senpai."

Suddenly, he's eyes widen as I give him an honourifics. "B-But, that's when you lose." he said.

"Yeah yeah but I do miss calling people my senior." I give in. "Especially when it's someone who's from Japan and can speak Japanese normally with me." I flash him my smile.

He went blank suddenly as he kept on staring at me. "C-Can you... repeat that again?" he fidget his hand.

"Okay, Yuta senpai." I did it and he look embarrassed suddenly.

"I thought it will be cool if someone call me that." he blurted. "But hearing it from you makes me shy now."

"I will call you by that way forever if you're willing to accept your punishment." I said but he's still look embarrassed. I sigh then said again, "Please, Yuta senpai."

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