Chapter 43: Consequences

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Ama's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open as light started to enter my pupil and lens. I never thought that light could blind you when you are awake. Furthermore, it feels painful too. Especially when eyes are one of the softest organ in human body. I guess that's how babies feel like when they first saw the light. It hurts.

Other than that, there's something on my mouth and nose as if something is stuck to me. From my view, I saw the gas giver which allow me to breathe oxygen. My head feels light for the first time and my body felt heavy, not allowing me to sit straight.

It took me a while to realise that I wasn't in my room. Rather a strange looking room that looks authentic and rich for some reason. This made me think where am I. But I figured it out as I saw all this medical instruments such as oxygen tank and heartbeat count.

"I'll be checking up on the patience." I saw a nurse walk into the room with a board of papers. The nurse look at me and give a shocking face afterwards. "Doctor! Doctor!" the nurse walk out and call for a doctor.

The doctor rush inside with the nurse and look at me. "Can you hear me Miss Ama?" the doctor asked. "If you can, please nod your head." the doctor said and I did it. "Can you speak Miss Ama?" the doctor tries to confirm my well-being.

"Y-Yes." I replied in my weakest tone.

"This is a miracle." the doctor smile. "Apply salt on her and ask the receptionist to call her family member." the doctor command the nurse and the nurse just nod in understanding.

"W-What... happened to me?" I use my last remaining energy to sit up straight on the bed.

"You fainted according to you brother's and friend statement. You even cough out blood." the doctor explains.

"How... long have I been... here...?" I asked weakly again.

"Miss, you have been sleeping for almost up to two weeks." the doctor answered.

"That long?! Ahhh!" I said in disbelief but my chest gave me pain as I jolted which made me hold on to my left chest.

"Miss Ama, please do not take drugs to make you stay awake. It's bad for your health." the doctor said and slowly push me back to make me lean on the bed. Looks like I got busted.

"I... have no choice." I said, feeling sad by sudden as the doctor bring this topic up. "I need scholarship and a good career path so I could support my family. Especially my brother who's still studying and my sick mother."

"I know how you feel Miss Ama." the doctor goes to my side. "But you have to remember, you are a human being... People need rest."

I smiled weakly and tell the doctor, "I'll learn from my mistake."

The doctor smile and said, "I'm sure you do." The doctor stand up and walk towards the door.

Just as the doctor about to walk out, I saw someone arrived with panting. I cannot see well yet but at least I am still long sighted. It was Taeyong instead of my brother nor VOEZ who visited me. No one else but him only.

"Ama!" Taeyong exclaimed and go to my side and immediately hug me. My muscle felt pain just from his embrace.

"Hey..." I said weakly. "Aren't you suppose to be practicing?" I asked.

He pull away and flick my forehead which made me let out a weak exasperation. "You're the one who was sick and you worried about me?" he said.

"You're an idol." I replied.

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