Chapter 44: Blind

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Kotaro's P.O.V

"That is all for today students." my English teacher finishes his class as he packing up all of his stuff from the teachers desk.

"Stand." my class president said and all of the students including em obey his order. "Thank you teacher." we bow down after the class president said those words.

"Are you staying back today Sungmin?" a friend of mine who is a girl asked me and used my real name. I don't mind actually.

"Can't, visiting my sister as usual." I replied after packing all the stuff inside of my bag.

"Sigh, I miss VOEZ." a person said out loud. "When will they have a comeback? When will our esteem school president of student council gonna come back?"

"When she's completely healed." I shout at that person. "This ain't 2NE1 song." I joke around and people laugh at me.

"Damn, you have Lanfen ability." a guy praise me.

"What do you expect, he's the little brother of one of our school vocalists." another guy said. "Of course he will be closed with the rest of the VOEZ."

"Thank you." I said for their compliments.

"Seems like you won't be staying so, see you." that girl said and I bid her as I walk out of classroom.

"See you." I bid her as well before we parted our ways.

As I wait for Taeyong who's gonna bring me to the hospital first, I met Junkai instead. Honestly, I can tell that this Chinese dude is also falling in love with my sister. Not to mention how hard he tries to get her attention. Furthermore, he frequently visits my sister after that incident happened.

"Hey Junkai." I greet him before he can proceed his direction towards the boarding house.

"Hey Kotaro." he switch to my direction. "Going to meet Ama?" he asked.

"Of course, I have to check on her daily now." I answered.

"I see." he nod his head. "I want to meet her like yesterday but I have a lot of homeworks to do today. Can you send my regards to her?"

"Of course." I replied and assured him. "Why don't you visit her over the weekends?" I suggest.

"That will be a great idea." he agrees on it. "See you." he said then walked away.

Right on time, I spotted Taeyong's car arrived at the front of the entrance. I walk down from the stairs then got in to Taeyong's car. It took me a while to saw that other people was here. Although I could have sit on front which I forgot, there's someone at the front too. Not to mention someone at the back with me too. It was Mark who is sitting at the front. Jaemin and Jisung at the back with me.

"So, you guys gonna meet my sister?" I said in a weird tone.

"Of course." Jaemin replied. "Since she is awake, it's time for us to pay a visit right?"

"Unlike our hyung who suddenly left the practice just to meet her once she finally awakes." Jisung seem to be mad at Taeyong.

"Sorry, hyung." I said to him then he turned to me with a shocking look. "Once I got a call from the hospital, the only I could think of was just Taeyong hyung since he's the only one who can drive."

"I thought we were brothers." Jisung hold on to my hand then fake a cry.

"We are." I join in too.

"Okay, I think tags enough." Mark broke our fake tragedy.

"I'm still mad." Jisung said then turn away.

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