Part 2 - Chapter 6 - What Just Happened?!

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This is basically a clear up to the previous chapter and extra. Hope you enjoy.

3rd Person's POV

The air seemed rather strange and uneasy for a couple of people who were sitting in the living room of the main house, of the pack ran by Miss J. Miss J sat anxiously in the middle of two of her beloved 'grand children', who are discussing something with their other two brothers, about their mate. Miss J was very fond of all Luke's kids, and they were very fond of her too. 

Suddenly, Miss J's phone interrupted the discussions from around the room by it's loud ringing. She apologized immediately and answered it while slowly yet casually walking out of the room, excusing herself. "Yes?" She answered cheerfully already knowing who it was.

"LUKE STORMED OFF AND SOME WEIRD SHIT IS HAPPENING, WHAT DO I DO?!" The voice of the one and only, Alpha Eryk pounded against her eardrum.

"Eryk, darling calm down. Now what do you mean he stormed off?" She asked, trying to get a sense of what exactly was going on over on that end.

"I WOKE UP NAKED IN BED WITH ANOTHER PACK MEMBER.... LUKE SAW.... HE LITERALLY STORMED OFF..... I DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING...." He said in a very loud and panicky voice, again having her to pull the phone slightly away from her ears.

"You say you don't remember? Does the other pack member remember?" She asked, kind of already getting the hint of things.

"N-No, Ma'am. I feel as if something's going to happen can you please tell me what's going on. I was being controlled and I  remember Luke telling me about some guy he met that was weird, saying that he's Luke's mate and a bunch of crap." Eryk rambled on the other end of the phone, Miss J already gathering making her way out of the house, knowing exactly what is the problem.

"Oh shit! I'll be there now. I know exactly what's going on." She said before hanging up the phone.

"Grandma, where are you going?"A squeaky voice coming from behind her said.

"Emilie go back in the house. Take the phone in there too. Give your brothers. Tell them I'll be right back, okay?"

"Where are you going though?" The curious girl asked again, eager to know where Miss J was off to.

"I'm going to see daddy okay?" She said looking at the somewhat grown girl before her, while removing her jacket.

"Are you going to turn to your wolf?" The girl asked excitingly.

"Go inside. I'll be back soon, okay?" She said to Emilie, trying not to give her the idea or any hints that she's about to shift.

"Yes, MauMau." She said, using the nickname they've created for the mid aged lady.

Miss J watched as the girl took the phone and walked into the house shutting the door behind her. Miss J rushed to the side of the house, where she quickly disrobed of her clothes, placing them in a bag, then shifting into her brown and black wolf with in seconds. She sniffed the air, receiving a scent of the other pack's house, grabbed the bag with her mouth and she was off. Running as fast as a cheetah can, through the lands that separated the two packs apart.

Within the span of three to four minutes, she arrived in the back yard of the luxurious main house, where Eryk would be. Dropping the bag, that was in her mouth, she shifted out of her wolf form and into her human form, and quickly redressed herself. 

"You're here already?!" Eryk asked out of disbelief just as she entered the room, wondering how the hell she got here so fast.

"Yes now what happened?" She asked immediately.

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