Part 2: Chapter 37 - Another Him?

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Third Person's POV

Meanwhile in the elder's council meeting, a serious discussion was taking place.

"How serious is this illness?!" The elder yelled to the others.

"We do not know much about this... but it is airborne, and we have reports that it is spreading faster than we thought."

"It is very contagious to all wolves."

"What is the good new to this?!" The head elder yelled in frustration.

"Currently, there isn't any good new referring to this virus. We don't know where it came from, how it originated, is there is a cure, we know nothing."

"We need to inform all worldwide packs immediately!" He said in panic. "We also need to get testing in this." He added to his sentence.

"We do know that it isn't killing anyone right now, but it is very serious..."

Whilst the emergency meeting was being help by the council of elders, the unknown and deadly disease continued to make it way through the skies of the world. Doing slight harm to the human population, it was not much an issue for them, however, it did great damage to those of the supernatural world. Especially the werewolves. Not only was it a slow damaging virus, it was also hard to get rid of.


Luke was sound asleep, whilst Prince drove tiredly towards their destination. The twins asleep in their car seat, and little Davy blankly staring at the back of the driver's seat, where a popular children's cartoon played. The calm and deep slumber was interrupted by a raging ringtone, which caused Luke to instantly arise, grabbing the phone and quickly answering it, not wanting to wake the sleeping babies at the back.

He placed the phone to his ear, then tiredly answered the cellular phone with a grouchy and raspy voice.

"H- Hello?" He answered, as he leaned back on the car seat, his eyes desperately wanting to close again.

"Hello, darling. How are you?" A cheerful voice sounded through the phone and into Luke's ear. He only knew one person that still held a cheerful voice. Hearing the voice brought a smile to Luke's face.

"Hello, Katie!" Answered Luke, in a cheerful and happy voice as well. "I'm doing well. Was talking a little nap... we're on our way to... I forgot but we're driving somewhere." Luke added, earning chuckles from Katie, as well as Prince.

"I hope you guys have fun..." She said. "... But I called to just inform you on the progress on these little ones you've sent to me." Katie added.

"How are they? It's been a while since they were sent there. Are there any signs of progress or is it a waste of time?" Luke asked.

"Believe it or not, they are so much better than when they first came here." She replied proudly. "And I think that they would be able to come home in a few days." She added, which made Luke smile even brighter.

"Th- That is wonderful, Katie. You're such a miracle worker. I'm so, so happy to hear that. I've missed them a lot and I can't wait to see them again." Luke replied with such honesty.

"How about this..." She began to suggest but paused.

"Go on." Luke assured her.

"How about I bring them up to where you guys are going?" She fully suggested.

"That's a great idea, but let e clarify first with Prince." Luke said, turning his head to face his human mate. "Prince?" He called out.

"Hmm?" Prince hummed in response, his eyes focused on the roadway.

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