Ch2: Battles and Mysterious people

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No one's pov

With Gajeel and Levy

"Ugh this is so boring, I wanna fight someone" Gajeel complained looking around the empty cavern. "I know your bored but let's keep going." Levy replied hoping that there wouldn't be fighting involved.

After the dragon slayer and the bookworm had their short conversation they unluckily ran into Fairytooth's very own demon shipper. Mirajane.

"Oh shit" Levy said, her eyes wide from fear and shock as Gajeel got into a fighting stance ready to fight the match making she-devil. "Now we're talking" Gajeel smirked.

With Freed and Bickslow

Freed and Bickslow walked in silence along their path till they heard a voice. "So I have to fight the two of you. Kind of a shame." they said.

"Oh dear, of all the people to go up against we have to go up against Laxus" Freed and Bickslow yelled in unison.

With Elfman and Evergreen

"A real man needs to fight" Elfman yelled looking for anyone who could fight him. "A real man should shut up" Evergreen shouted bitterly at her partner.

"Oh my, a lovers quarrel" a female voice said with a hint of a tease in her voice. "We're not lovers" Elfman and Evergreen shouted in unison before realizing that it was Erza.

"We're doomed" Elfman and Evergreen said in unison as they stared at the requip mage.

With Phoenix and Panther Lily

Phoenix and Panther Lily walked along the path. "Its rather quite" Lily said looking around the cavern. "Yeah, it is" Phoenix replied before it went back to awkward silence.

When they had walked for a while they reached a sign that said 'Battle'. "I guess we will have to wait" Phoenix said, sitting on a rock and Lily joined her.

Phoenix then got a small white box out and opened it and handed a sandwich to Lily and had some herself.

With Natsu and Happy (5 minutes later)

Natsu walked along the empty path with Happy flying next to him. They were in the quite route so they wouldn't have to battle anyone.

With Gray and Loki

Gray and Loki walked down a path to a battle area and waited for their opponent. "Who do you think we will be against" the celestial spirit asked the ice make mage.

"I don't know but I hope its not Laxus, Erza or Mira" Gray replied with a sigh. The pair then heard the sound of footsteps that weren't theirs. They walked into a large cavern only to see....

With Juvia and Lisanna

Juvia and Lisanna walked along the path they had picked. "Juvia hopes that we don't end up facing against Erza again" Juvia said with concern and fear in her voice.

"I'm sure we'll be fine" Lisanna said in a comforting tone to try and cheer up her stalker friend up. That's when they heard footsteps coming from a nearby tunnel. The two picked up the pace only to be shocked at who was their...

Gray and Loki

With Cana and Lucy

Cana and Lucy walked up the last path that they could take. "Let's hope that we go up against someone easy" Lucy said worried that they might end up against Natsu or Gray or even worse Erza, Laxus or Mira.

They kept walking until they reached a large cavern. "So someone finally showed up" a deep voice said. "Alright now I can uphold Starlight's honour by beating the two of you in battle" another voice added. (Just in case you forgot Starlight became Guild master and an S-class wizard in the 7 years Tenrou island was missing)

Cana and Lucy looked over to a rock to see none other then Panther Lily and Phoenix. "We are so dead" Cana said knowing that both Exceeds worked well as a team and that both knew how to fight, not to mention the magic Phoenix used where she could use any ones magic to attack for one turn was bad news.

Time skip

Sting's pov

I walked through the forest of Tenrou island with Rogue, Lector and Frosch. Rogue was kind of mad me for not telling him that we were going to Tenrou island, the resting place of his deceased mate Starlight. Ok mad might be an understatement since he wasn't talking to me and I couldn't tell if it was because he was angry or something else.

Of course Rogue had insisted that we go to Starlight's grave so we were heading their right now. Rogue staggered a little and I got in a position to catch him if need be. He managed to stable himself and I let out a sigh. "Hey Rogue maybe we should take a break, you don't look so good" I suggested and I wasn't lying, he was paler then usual. 

"I'm fine. I don't need a break" he replied plainly and continued to walk. I looked down at Lector and Frosch before we went with Rogue in the direction of the grave. 

After a while we finally reached the area but all of us were shocked at what we saw. There was dirt thrown everywhere and the area that Starlight had been buried was all dug up and all the stuff that Rogue and the others had left was gone. 

"Rogue, I'm sorry. I know you wouldn't want to see this" I told him and turned around but saw him stagger back before falling into the ground. "Rogue" Frosch cried, running over to Rogue. "What should we do" Lector asked as I checked to see if Rogue was still alive. "He's still breathing but barely" I replied, starting to panic.

"We need to get him to camp and have Wendy heal him" Lector spoke. "Yeah but we've got a problem. We left straight away so we don't know where the camp is" I replied before leaves rustled. 

I got up and looked at where the sound came from. "Who's there. Come out and face me" I growled. I kept looking and spotted someone standing behind one of the trees. I can see where you are now come out and state what you want." The moment I said this they moved but not towards me, they completely disappeared. "Sting look out" Frosch and Lector yelled in unison. 

I spun around about to attack the stranger but was met with something hard hitting my head. I fell onto the ground and looked up. All I could make out due to the blurriness and the black spots at the side of my vision was black hair and red eyes. 

"I'm sorry Phoenix. I wasn't able to keep Rogue alive" I whispered just before my vision became completely black and I passed out.

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