Ch37: Getting The Rings

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Rogue's pov

I sat in Sting's apartment, designing the rings for the wedding. I wanted them to be special and unique. Something that hadn't been made before. I scrunched up another sheet of paper and threw it over to the bin as I stared at a black sheet of paper.

Sting walked in with a cup of hot chocolate. "Maybe you should take a break. You've been at it for a few hours now. Plus the bin needs emptying" Sting suggested, pointing at the small silver bin that was used for paper which had overflowed with crumpled up paper.

"I can't just take a break Sting. It's not that easy. I only have so much time to get the design before the wedding" I explained. "We're still going to be partners right?" Sting asked, sitting down on a seat he pulled over.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Well your getting married and you've already moved in with Starlight and I just feel like your going tk start spending more time with her" Sting replied, taking a sip of whatever drink he had in his mug.

"I'm not going to stop spending time with you. Your my best friend. One day you'll find the perfect girl and you'll want to get married, settle down and one day have kids but that doesn't mean that you won't want to be my friend" I explained.

"Really?" Sting asked. I nodded. "Awesome. Now I have another question" Sting explained. "Which is?" I asked. "When you have kids, will I be the uncle?" he asked. "That's like me asking Starlight if Gajeel would be an uncle to our future kids. Of course your going to be an uncle" I replied.

Sting nodded. "How's your speech coming?" I asked. "I'm stumped. I don't know what to say" he replied. "Jsut talk about some of the best things you remember having with me. That's normally how some speeches go" I explained. "Thanks" Sting thanked.

I looked down at the mug that sat on the table. It was an old mug that Sting had got specially made for my 16th birthday. It was completely black with a black dragon with red eyes outlined in white on it. Sting had a similar mug but it was white with a white dragon with blue eyes outlined in black.

I looked at the two mugs and then an idea clicked. "That's it" I yelled, startling Sting who almost dropped his mug. I started to draw something on the sheets of paper in front of me.

"What's it?" Sting asked, looking utterly confused. "The ring design. I have one" I replied, finishing a rough sketch of the ring. It was two dragons, the tails joined and the heads meeting. One was a black dragon with red eyes and wings that resembled shadows and the other was a silver dragon with red eyes and wings that resembled metal.

Sting looked at the design and looked surprised. "That's a really cool design" he explained. "I would agree and it's thanks to these mugs that I thought of it" I replied, gesturing to the mugs.

Sting nodded as I grabbed my mug and finally took a sip of my hot chocolate. I wasn't a very tea or coffee person, more of a hot chocolate person if we were talking about warm drinks which is why I never really drink coffee or tea unless absolutely necessary.

I decided to take a break for the rest of the night and take the design to the guy who would do it for me tomorrow. 'This is going great' I thought.

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