Ch42: Talks

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Rogue's pov

We finally arrived at the hotel that we were to be staying at for a few weeks after an agonising train ride. "That was awful" Sting groaned. "Well look on the bright side. No train rides for 3 weeks" Phoenix pointed out.

"Thank Mavis" Sting yelled, throwing his arms into the air. I looked around to see Starlight standing over with Gajeel while they were talking. I stayed where I was since it might be a private conversation considering the fact that they were standing away from everyone else.

We walked into the hotel as Makarov handed everyone a key. Starlight walked over, head down as she held her bag. I decided to wait until we got into the room before asking her what's wrong because I already had an idea.

We walked up to our room and unlocked the door. I took my cape off and hung it in the cupboard and placed my bags down. I turned to Starlight to find her laying under the covers of the double bed in the middle of the room, her shoes laying randomly on the floor.

"Starlight?" I asked. No response. "Are you alright?" I asked again. Still nothing. "Are you feeling sick from the baby?" I asked, getting worried. She mumbled something but because it was so quite and here face was in a pillow, I didn't catch it.

"What was that?" I asked. "It's nothing I'm fine" she snapped kicking the covers off and sitting up, a pissed of look on her face. 'OK. This is definitely not just mood swings' I thought.

"Its obviously not nothing. Do you want to talk about it? I can try to help you" I explained. She just looked down and aggressivly stared at her feet. I sighed guessing she didn't want to talk about it.

"I hate everything" she grumbled. "What! Why?!" I asked, surprised. "Because my life is shit" she replied, laying back down on her back. "Why is it like that?" I asked, confused.

"I'm ugly and fat" she responded, not sitting up and just staring at the ceiling. "What gave you that idea?" I asked, walking over and sitting on the side of the bed.

She rolled onto her side and looked at me. "I'm nothing like the other girls in the guild. They have perfect model like bodies and then there's me who can't even keep myself at a normal weight for more than a week and that's not even mentioning the scars all over" she explained.

"We went over this. I don't care how you look. I love you for who you are not what you look like" I sighed. "And why do you think that your fat?" I asked, looking her over.

She looked fine. Her clothes were quite baggy so I was guessing that she was underweight but I knew for a fact that she wasn't fat. "My stomach is starting to round out. Even Gajeel can see it" she responded, pulling her arms close to her chest.

"Your pregnant. I'd be concerned if you didn't start to show. It's not fat. It's the baby. You don't need to keep beating yourself up about your appearance" I sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She looked up at me before looking down. "How about we go out on a date tonight. We haven't really been on one yet and I'm sure it will cheer you up" I explained. She nodded.

I smiled and brushed one of her bangs out her face. She just stayed where she was.

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