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Rogue's pov

I lay in bed, arms wrapped around Starlight and face buried in her mane of hair. I was very cumfortable when I felt Starlight shift a little next to me.

I opened one eye to look but then closed it again when she stopped moving. About 10 or 15 minutes later, she moved about again.

This time I lifted up my head and opened both eyes. "Something wrong?" I asked. "No. Well..... I don't know" she mumbled back, pushing herself up into a sitting position.

"Can't sleep?" I asked. "The baby is moving about a lot and I'm getting stomach pains" she replied, looking at me. "You don't think?" I asked. "Where's the book?" she asked.

I bent over the edge of the bed and grabbed the pile of books that we'd bought. I looked through the pile, checking for a specific book.

Once I'd found it, I flicked through the book. I found the page on giving birth and mumbled under my breath as I read through it.

"How long have you been feeling the stomach pains?" I asked. "Every so often for about an hour" she replied.

I grit my teeth and looked back down at the book. "We'll have to wait and if they start to get more frequent then we panic" I explained.

"That's helpful" she snapped. "I'm sorry. I'm anxious. I'll call Wendy" I explained and got up out of my bed.

I went to the lacrima downstairs and called Wendy. Carla answered. "What do you want?" she asked, clearly annoyed. "I need to speak with Wendy" I explained, shuffling between my feet.

She gave an annoyed sigh but flew out of sight. I could hear muffled voices and movement before Wendy came into view.

"Is something wrong?" Wendy asked. I began pacing. "It's Starlight. I think she might be going into labour and-" I was cut off by a pained scream. "I'll be over as fast as possible" Wendy explained before static filled the lacrima.

I ran back up the stairs and found Starlight bent over slightly in pain with Frosch now sat on the bed with a worried look. He must have been woken by Starlight's scream.

I ran over to Starlight. "Are you alright?" I asked. She nodded. "Sorry. I just got a strong pain in my stomach" she apologised, looking up at me.

"Don't worry about it. Wendy's on her way" I comforted. She gave a nod.

I then turned to Frosch. "Frosch. Could you go down the stairs and wait in the living room?" I asked. "Fro asks why?" Frosch asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"Because what's going to happen up here, I don't want you to see" I explained. He nodded and jumped off the bed, running out of the room and down the stairs.

After about an hour, Wendy arrived, knocking on the door. I let her in and led her up the stairs. "Starlight. How are you feeling?" she asked. "In a lot of pain" Starlight hissed out through gritted teeth.

"I'm going to need you to try and calm your breathing. Can you do that for me?" she asked. Starlight took hold of the sheets and tried to calm her breathing. "Rogue. Hold her hand. It should help" she explained to me.

I nodded and let Starlight take my hand, bitting my tongue at her tight grip.

Wendy kept advising Starlight to breath, having had Carla get some warm water and a towel.

After about 2 More hours, Wendy turned to Starlight and gave her instructions which she followed.

After about 15 minutes, the sound of crying registered in my ears. I turned to look and saw Wendy wrapping a dark haired girl up in a towel and handing her to me.

Starlight let out another cry of pain as I turned to Wendy with worry. "Did something go wrong?" I asked, worry filling me to the brim.

Wendy let her hands glow for a second then pulled them back. "There's a second" she explained. "What!" I yelled. "But the doctor said there was only one" I objected.

Wendy shook her head before turning her attention to Starlight. After another while of listening to the pain screams, I heard crying from a baby.

Wendy wrapped this one in a towel that Carla had brought in and held it, looking at Starlight. "How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Tired but otherwise alright" she replied through deep breaths. Wendy handed her our second child who was a dark haired boy.

"Guess we both get to use the name we picked out" I laughed. Starlight smiled at me before looking down at our daughter. "Their beuatiful" she smiled.

"I'll leave the two of you alone" Wendy explained, bowing down. "Send Frosch up. I want him to meet his brother and sister" I explained.

Wendy nodded and exited the room with Carla close behind. Soon after they left, a pink blur zipped in and onto the bed.

"Frosch, meet Dusk and Raios. They are your new brother and sister" I smiled. Frosch's tail swished back and forth happily as he looked at the twins happily.

I planted a kiss on her forehead as she smiled up at me. This had to be one of the best days of my life.

Union of the Night(Sequel to Walking the Shadows)Where stories live. Discover now