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Rogue's pov

I slid back when I received a punch in the gut from Jiemma. 'Dammit. When did he get so damm strong?' I thought, my legs shaking slightly as I recovered from that attack.

"You made Sabertooth mages weak by joining with Fairy Tail" Jiemma spat, going to punch Sting. He barely dodged the attack. Sting was going to respond but instead he got punched in the chest and was sent tumbling across the dust.

Natsu and Gray couldn't help us. They were to preoccupied with Mard Geer and there was also the risk of the two dragons in the air doing something that could cause all of us to be killed.

"Rogue!" someone yelled. I spun around. Starlight had arrived on the scene, Raios strapped to her front and Dusk her back. Why had she brought the twins?

Of course. The guild Hall wass blown up. And they were there at the time. She had no choice but to bring them.

Jiemma spotted her and his eyes narrowed. "You're still hanging around that useless Fairy. What a disgrace. She should be wiped from exhistance" Jiemma spat, he raised his hand and fired an attack.

"Starlight!" I yelled, trying to spin around but I stumbled on my feet at how fast I turned. Starlight was frozen in place.

I tried to get to my feet but I couldn't, I was in too much panic to think straight. I would never make it in time.

Something ran past us, straight over to Starlight. She was tackled by what had ran over and knocked out of the way of the attack, falling to the ground.

Small sparks from the attack shot around the battlefield and I heard pained cries from the twins.

I looked at who had tackled Starlight. Natsu lifted his head up, holding his weight on his arms. "Starlight. Starlight, can you hear me?" Natsu asked, shaking her shoulders.

"Yeah" she mumbled, rubbing her head. "Are the twins alright?" he asked. My panic went up again. They were only a couple months old. They wouldn't survive a blast like that.

Starlight's eyes widened and she quickly turned to look at Dusk then Raios. "Their alright. Just a little scratched up" she confirmed, looking ready to cry from relief.

I got to my feet and turned to Jiemma. "You'll pay for that" I growled. I looked at Sting who nodded. If there was one thing we were good at, it was joint fighting.

We timed our attacks, finishing Jiemma off with our dragon silk.

After that attack, I was completely out of magic power and strength. I fell to the ground, dust flying up in my face when I landed.

I heard footsteps and flicked my eyes over. Starlight kneeled next to me, one hand on my back. "Are you alright?" she asked.

"Can't stand and I'm out of magic. But I think I'm good" I puffed, the impact with the ground had knocked a lot of wind out of my lungs.

I felt a hand run through my hair. "Sorry if I scared you" she whispered, leaning close. "Your safe now. Its fine" I assured her.

I heard movement before the twins were placed next to me. Using one arm, I pulled them as close as possible. Dusk had a deep cut on her cheek, and Raios on the back of his head.

A roar erupted through the sky from Acnologia. He hadn't been hit with an attack, he was just roaring.

Starlight keeled over, hands grasping at her head. "Starlight?" I asked, reaching out. Something wasn't right.

Union of the Night(Sequel to Walking the Shadows)Where stories live. Discover now