Ch40: The Rescue And Surprise

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Rogue's pov

We followed the scent trail, trying to find Starlight till it ended at a tree. "How can it just end? Did they teleport?" Sting asked, sniffing the air. I looked at the tree and raised an eyebrow.

Placing my ear against it, I knocked on the wood and it sounded hallow. "I think this tree is hallow" I explained, looking for some sort of entrance. "Rogue's right, there's what looks like a door shape carved into this" Phoenix pointed.

I looked to where she was pointing and saw the marks. She then pulled open the door by a small doorknob that was almost hidden into the wood. The door opened up to a long drop down.

"Okay. Here's the plan. Lily, Lector, Fr-" Phoenix started but I didn't hear it since I jumped down and turned shadow before turning shadow half way down and turned back tk normal a couple cm above the ground and landed.

I heard Sting and Gajeel being flown down by the exceeds." That was idiotic" Phoenix told him. "I have shadow form. I just used that" I explained, looking down the only tunnel.

Once everyone was down, I started to walk down the tunnel, the others following. After a while of walking, a light could be seen at the end of tunnel and I picked up voices. I leaned against the wall, just at the end of the tunnel to listen.

"Okay so, you want me dead but you haven't explained why. I think I'd like to known why I'm wanted dead" Starlight asked. "You killed my brother and now I'm going to kill you as revenge" another girl replied.

"Well if you kill me, your going to have 2 angry dragon slayers and 2 angry exceeds and an angry guild on your back" Starlight pointed out. "That doesn't bother me, so long as your dead" the girl replied.

I looked round the end of the tunnel for a second and saw that the other person was Juli. "It's Juli" I whispered to the others. "She's the one who wants to kill Starlight?" Sting asked. I nodded then looked again.

"You know, your plan isn't very full proof if I don't care about dying. You know how long I've been trying to die. I've been trying for years. You could kill me and I wouldn't care" Starlight explained and I felt my heart break slightly.

"Oh really. Well I know that's a lie because why would you want to die when you dying would mean that the baby dies too?" Juli asked. "Baby?" I whispered. "How did you find out? The only people who know are my doctor and myself. I never mentioned anything about a baby" Starlight asked.

"I got a hold of a copy of your medical documents which means I know every single medical condition you have. It was the only way I could figure out how to get you. I know that your diagnosised with depression, an eating disorder and that you have a problem with one leg and many Scars and the most recent is the baby. I knew that was the perfect opportunity which is why I pretended to have lost my bracelet. I had the snow serpent be a distraction for anyone you were with since I you shouldn't be on active duty so while your companion's were busy, I would take you here and kill you" Juli explained.

"Well..... You shouldn't kill me since that's killing 2 people, not 1" Starlight defended. "So you think I care about that. I know that the baby is the shadow dragon's but it's also yours and theirs a 50/50 chance that it will be a murderer like you" Juli replied.

"I'm not a murderer. I didn't choose to kill those people and I regret every life that I took. Every single day I wish that I could rewind time and change what happened" Starlight told her. "I'm done with your talking. It's time for you to shut up" Juli hissed.

I looked into the room and saw her slam Starlight's head against the wall and her body go limp. I turned shadow and went over, checking her. She still had a pulse but blood was dripping down the side of her head and staining her hair.

Juli turned around from getting a sword and saw me. "How did you get in here?" she asked. "That's not what matters. What matters is that I keep you away from Starlight" I growled. "Rogue, calm down" Sting yelled from behind Juli.

"Are all of you here? I'll just have to find some way of killing all of you" Juli snapped. I got up, shadows surrounding me. Juli backed up slightly as the shadows completely engulfed me.

"Raios, you need to calm down. If this keeps up, you could get possessed again" Gajeel yelled. I ignored them, only focused on this Juli. Everything went black for a while and when I finally came round, the place was trashed.

I stumbled back and fell to my knees. "What happened to me?" I asked, noticing the blood splatters on my hands and clothes. "You got possessed and attacked this girl" Sting replied, pointing to Juli who was chained up, bleeding and hissing out curse words and threats.

"We had to fight you to get you to stop since you almost killed her, that's why your clothes are a bit of a mess and I think I might have broken your arm" Gajeel explained. I looked at the arm that I felt pain in and tried to move it but failed and only got pain which got me to grit my teeth.

Gajeel walked over to Starlight and picked her up While Sting got Juli to stand up and we headed out. We got back to man's house and explained the situation. The magic council came and took Juli away as she was yelling that she'd be back and get revenge on all of us.

We then headed to the hospital. I had my arm treated and got it in a sling while Starlight had her head treated. We were allowed to see her after a while and she appeared to just be asleep at the moment. A doctor walked in and looked at us.

"It seems Ms Redfox should be fine. The worst possible thing that could happen is she'll get a Scar. There has been no damage to her baby so it's perfectly healthy and-" the guy explained but I cut in. "What is this about a baby?" I asked.

"Didn't Ms Redfox tell you, she's pregnant with a child" the doctor explained. "W-w" I tried to speak but was lost for words. "I'll leave you alone" "I'd what that Juli girl said is right then that means that your the father Rogue" Sting explained. "I-I" I tried to say.

"Ugh, what happened?" Starlight asked, sitting up. "Your pregnant?" I blurted out before covering my mouth with my not broken arm. "How did you find out?" Starlight asked. "The doctor told us. How long have you known?" Gajeel asked. "Since the day before the wedding" Starlight replied.

"You've known since before we got married and didn't tell me" I questioned. "I was going to tell you the day after the wedding but then I had a nightmare that you'd hate me and that I'd get kicked out onto the streets and have to care for the baby myself. I was planning on leaving in a couple of weeks until the baby was born then coming back and saying I adopted it" she explained.

"We wouldn't hate you. If we're being honest I was actually waiting for the two of you to have babies. I mean, it's kind of our instincts to reproduce. Plus I totally smelled your scents all muddled up on each other the day you told us your wedding plans" Gajeel explained.

"So you knew that we......" I asked. "I've known for a while now. I just didn't say anything. I was waiting for you guys to say something" Gajeel replied. "Wait. You got physical. You. Rogue Cheney. The emo shadow dragon slayer?" Sting asked. "Yes and I'm not emo" I replied. "Yes you are" Phoenix replied.

"What happened to Rogue's arm?" Starlight asked. "I broke it" Gajeel replied. "Why?" Starlight asked, looking confused. "He got possessed and we had to fight him" Sting replied. "Oh" Starlight spoke.

I walked over to Starlight and gave her a one armed hug. "I'm happy that your having my child" I whispered. Starlight hugged me back. "Thanks" she whispered.

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