Ch7: Professor Zai

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No one's pov

Makarov sat on the bar counter, taking a sip of his booze until the guild doors burst open and the thunder legion ran in. "Master, someone kidnapped Laxus" Freed yelled, while panting due to running so fast for a long period of time. "WHAT!!" Makarov yelled, spitting out his drink. 

Then team Natsu barged in, with panic over they're faces. "Someone kidnapped Natsu and Wendy" Erza yelled with panic in her voice. "WHAT!!!!" Makarov yelled even louder. "You guys too" Bickslow asked, looking at the other team.

"What do you mean, you guys too?" Gray and Lucy asked in unison. "Laxus was kidnapped as well" Evergreen replied before Phoenix, Lily, Frosch and Lector flew in. "Someone just kidnapped Sting, Rogue, Gajeel and Starlight" Lector panicked while flying in circles and Frosch had tears in his eyes. "Wait so someone kidnapped all of the dragon slayers" Happy questioned while Lector was still panicking. 

"Why would someone want the dragon slayers" Mira asked, walking over with a towel and cup. "Maybe someone has a grudge on them" Bickslow suggested.

"Who would have a grudge on all 7 of them" Makarov asked, putting infuses on the word seven. "I think I might have heard something but it might just be the gas effecting my memory" Phoenix piped up.

"Tell us what you heard, it might give us a lead" Makarov told the Exceed. "Well I heard someone saying that Professor something would be happy to have the test subjects or something like that" Phoenix explained. 

"Professor something" Happy asked, a little confused. "I don't remember the name but I'm sure it will come to me" Phoenix replied. "So someone is going to experiment on the dragon slayers" Erza and Freed asked in unison. "I'm not sure, like I said it might have just been the gas causing it" Phoenix replied.

"We should put up missing posters so that people can help us" Lily suggested. "Fro thinks so too" Frosch added while still crying. "Reedus, draw a picture of the 7 dragon slayers so we can post them all over Fiora" Makarov told the mage. "Oui" Reedus replied before starting to draw on his art pad.

Rogue's pov

I opened my eyes to see a stone floor where my head was. I sat up and noticed that I was in a cell with what looked like metal bars that had been enchanted(And you know why)

I looked down to see that I was still wearing my normal clothes however I had a pair of cuffs which were probably concealing my magic. I looked up to see Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Laxus, Sting and Starlight sitting in front of me. "So you finally woke up" Laxus asked, looking at me. I was about to answer when an unfamiliar voice spoke from outside the cell.

"I see your all awake" A tall male told us, pushing a pair of glasses up the bridge of his nose. He had short, scruffy ginger hair and brown eyes. He wore a white lab coat with what looked like a few blood and chemical stains on it. He had a slight scar across his left cheek and a pair of black gloves that extended to his elbows. There was about 4 pockets on the lab coat, two at the bottom and two at the top and were holding different types of experimental/medical equipment such as needles and tweezers. He had a grey turtle neck and dark blue jeans that were tucked into a pair of black socks and a pair of black and white trainers.

"Who are you and where are we" Natsu snarled, getting close to the bars. "Tch, your quite rude but I guess I'll introduce myself" he said, pushing Natsu away from the bars before smirking and putting his arms out. "I'm Professor Zai and you are in my laboratory" he replied.

"Why did you kidnap us" Wendy asked with a tiny bit of fear. "You are my test subjects" Zai replied, his smirk still plastered across his face which ear to ear. "WHAT!!!!!!!" Natsu, Gajeel, Laxus and Sting yelled angrily. "Well you are the only ones I can use, seeing as you all wield the magic of dragons and 6 of you are children of dragons and all of you are different types and generations, so it should be interesting to see the differences in the way your bodies and minds will change" Zai told us before walking away, leaving us in the cell.

Mini timeskip

After a while, 7 large muscular men came over to the cell. One of them opened the door to the cell before one of them picked up one of us each and carried us out. I looked around to see all sorts of creatures caged up in the room. There was multiple different machinery and equipment that filled the room and in the middle, right next to a table with experimenting equipment on it was Professor Zai.

He gave another huge smirk before walking over to Natsu with a needle in hand. He placed one gloved finger on Natsu's forehead and the needle into a certain area in the neck. The liquid was inserted in while Natsu screamed with tears running down his cheeks. Zai did the same to the others until only Starlight and myself remained.

I took a huge gulp, scared about what was going to happen. I had already tried to escape and I failed since this guy was strong and I was too weak. I guess not eating enough has effected my strength.

Zai placed his finger roughly on my forehead, putting tons of weight on it. He got the needle in position before whispering something "Memory laps"

My mind was suddenly filled with all the memories I wished I could forget as the liquid was inserted into my neck. The tears ran down my face from the awful memories that I was forced to see. "Oh my now this is interesting. You don't have any of your memories except one" Zai pointed out, looking at Starlight who wasn't making eye contact.

"Well don't think that's going to save you. I'll make you remember" he hissed before doing the same thing he did to the rest of us. Starlight let out a blood curdling scream before going limp and being dropped to the ground. I struggled out of the muscular man's grip, not caring that it hurt against my skin, muscles and bones and rushed over to her.

The man then came and picked me up by my cape(the old one with the bow) and we were all thrown into the cell. They then just chucked Starlight in like she wasn't a living being. I growled and stood up. "How dare you" I snarled before feeling a huge jolt of electricity shoot through my body from a Taser. "Guess you want to join your little girlfriend" Zai smirked as I looked up, feeling the pain through my body from the electricity. 

Zai placed his hand on my forehead before whispering "Memory link" and I felt myself feel sleepy and my vision became blurry and I blanked out.

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