Ch52: M.I.A

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Starlight's pov

I was waiting in the living room for Rogue. He hadn't returned from his job yet and it had been nearly two weeks. I'd tried calling both Sting and Rogue and neither of them were answering.

Frosch sat on my lap, head leaned against my swollen belly with a little frown on his face. "Fro asks if Rogue is okay?" he asked, little paws gripping onto the fabric of my shirt.

I bit my lip and looked away from him. "Rogue's fine. I'm sure of it. He's strong" I said, trying to convince myself of it as well. Frosch whimpered. I placed one hand under the hood of his suit and rubbed up and down the side of his face.

I heard the door open and instantly snapped my gaze to the door, as did Frosch. Gajeel walked in with Lily and Phoenix and my shoulders slumped and I let out a sigh.

"Wow. Nice to know your happy to see me" Gajeel joked. "You still live here Gajeel. I see you almost everyday" I sighed. "Why the mopey look? Raios not back yet?" he asked, walking over and leaning on the arm of the couch.

I nodded. "Well, the most likely scenario is that him and lightbulb are..." he stated, running his finger along his throat.

"Gajeel!" Phoenix and Lily yelled in Unison. "I know that Gajeel. Don't remind me" I snapped, giving him the side eye. "Just saying" he stated before being slapped upside the head by Phoenix.

"Ow" he grumbled, rubbing the back of his head. "Don't say stuff like that. That's horrible" Phoenix hissed at him. I focused my attention on the table in front of me. Gajeel sighed and sat down on the couch.

"You miss him don't ya?" he asked. "Of course I miss him. He's my husband. How am I not supposed to miss him?" I asked, feeling my eyes become wet.

"You want me to hold off on the move. It doesn't seem like you're in the best mind set to not have someone here to be there for you" he explained.

"I don't need help. I'm fine" I tried to assure him. He sighed and pulled me into his shoulder. "It's alright to cry. No one will judge ya. I know ya miss him. He's like your other half" he explained.

I nodded into Gajeel's shoulder, trying to hide my tears, mostly from Frosch. "Fro asks if Rogue will be alright?" Frosch asked again, although this time his voice was shaky and he was crying.

"Don't worry frog. He'll be fine. Raios is stronger than anyone realises and knowing him, I doubt he'd bite the dust knowing he has the two of you waiting for him. And if he does then I'm gonna revive his dead ass just so that you won't be left alone to take care of that baby" Gajeel explained, directing that last part at me.

"You shouldn't mess with stuff like that Gajeel" I objected. "You did and nothing bad happened" Gajeel stated.

"That's the biggest load of crap if I've ever heard it" I objected. "Alright. Everything worked out. Better?" he corrected. "I guess" I stated. 'I just hope Rogue is alright' I thought.

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