Ch22: Memories; The Return Of Tenrou Island

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Pic is all four versions of Starlight, her amulet and her plushie

Rogue's pov

Macao slammed his mug onto the table in anger. "Why hasn't Romeo made it back to the guild yet" Macao asked. "I'm going to be seriously pissed if Alzack and Bisca ditched the poor kid just so they could go make out" Macao yelled.

"Take it easy will ya. I mean it's not like he's a little boy anymore. He's a young man now" Wakaba replied while smoking a cigar. The two then got into a fight of words.

"So is it just me or have we lost a lot of members" Max asked rubbing the back of his head. "I guess that's to be expected Max. Our guilds reputation and the number of job requests just keep going down" Warren replied.

"Ah come on, at least we've still got a few flyers left on the board" Nab told them, pointing at the request board. "What's it matter to you how many are up there Nab. You haven't been on a job in over seven years" Warren told him. "True" Nab replied.

"Check it out you guys, I've finally finished my newest routine and it's inspired by the guild. I call it dance of the pathetic and foible" Vijeeter told everyone. "If he doesn't cut it out, I'm going to have to strangle him" Max said irritated with and eyebrow twitching.

"Hey Kinana. I'm ready for seconds" Droy called, raising a hand with some chicken in it. "Sure thing" Kinana replied. "Um are you sure Droy. I think all of that food is starting to catch up with you" Laki told him.

"If I didn't know any better, I think you were calling me fat" Droy replied. "That's exactly what she's doing, have you taken a look in the mirror lately" Jet told Droy, with his arms crossed. "Reedus used to be your size, look how slim he is now" Jet added, leaning forward in his chair.

"Oui but I was never actually fat, master put a spell on me" Reedus replied. I don't know what your talking about, I'm still physically fit, just look at my muscles" Droy replied, lifting up one of his arms to show off his 'muscles'

"Everyone in the guild has matured, even Kinana is more ladylike. You on the other hand-" Jet explained. "Shut up. I have to eat a lot because it increases my magic power" Droy yelled at Jet. "Alright that's enough you too" Laki told them while Kinana sighed.

"I mean what do you think Levy would say if she saw you like this" Jet asked making Droy yell out. "Levy's never coming back" only to realize what he had just said and shocking and upsetting everyone.

"Oui" Rufus said, finally breaking the silence and continuing to paint. Suddenly the door opened and a voice could be heard. "How pathetic. No matter what time I come here the place is always quite. I guess no one wants to bring the business to your crummy guild" A man with black hair said. "Fairy Tail's lost all its mojo" the blond added. "I recognize him. He's from Twilight Ogre" I whispered.

"Thibault" Wakaba said. "I thought I told you to never set foot in here again" Starlight added, walking over to him, teeth bared. "Come on now. Show a little respect when you talk to your superiors. Twilight Ogre is the baddest guild in Magnolia. You should bow down and kiss our boots" Thibault told them.

All the Fairy Tail Members formed a protective half circle behind Phoenix and Starlight. "You used to be the strongest guild in all of Fiora but those days are long gone. Now your nothing but a bunch of worthless out of work wizards. Look at this dump you call a guild hall. Have you seen the palace we got right in the center of town? One look at our guild hall and its pretty obvious who could do more for Magnolia ad it ain't Fairy Tail" Thibault explained.

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