Ch9: Memories; Meeting Metalicana

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Rogue's pov

It started to get bright again as I squinted my eyes to adjust to the light when everything became bright again. Starlight was against the tree from before but Gajeel was nowhere in sight.

"O-oni-chan" Starlight called, fear filling her voice. It was surprising to see the strong and independent female that I have come to know was so frail and scared as a kid. A nearby Bush started to rustle and Starlight clutched onto her plushie in fear.

Gajeel walked out of the bush and over to Starlight. He pushed her bangs out of her gave and gave her a hug. "Oni-chan, where did you go" Starlight asked in her high pitched voice. "I went to get some food but no luck" he replied before adding "Sorry that I scared you. How about we go together next time. I can show you some of the hunting techniques that dad taught me" Gajeel told her with a smile. "I would really like that" Starlight replied happily, her sharp fangs showing as she smiled.

Gajeel gave a smirk and ruffled Starlight's short black hair. Straight gave a small giggle before Gajeel gave an evil smirk. He leapt at the younger Redfox and started to tickle her sides. Starlight let out a ton of giggles and was struggling to get out of Gajeel's grip and failing. "O-oni-C-chan, S-stop" Starlight evaded through her laughing.

Gajeel finally stopped, a smirk plastered over his face as he looked down at the small female. Starlight started up, adjusting her brown shirt so that it wasn't messy before tackling Gajeel into a hug as the two lay on the grass laughing. Gajeel fiddled with the short hair of his sister as the two fell asleep in the grass.

Everything went dark again for a couple of minutes before the darkness disappeared to reveal Starlight and Gajeel in the same place as they were before the black out. Starlight slowly got up and sat on the grass before looking for something. Her eyes brightened up once they rested on the dragon plushie. "Wait that's the same unshielded as the one in the eh box that Minerva had given to me after Sting punched Jiemma" I spoke in shock as she picked up the small stuffed dragon. She did what looked like a stroking motion over the back of the head and between the wings.

After a few minutes of this stroking, Gajeel woke up and stretched. He looked at Starlight and smiled. "Is Silver still asleep" he asked in a caring tone. Starlight nodded, looking between him and the plushie which I guessed was called Silver. Gajeel smiled suggesting something. "How about we see if we can find something to eat"

Starlight smiled and nodded. "I'm not very hungry but if it means that you won't be hungry then I'll help" Starlight replied happily. The two got up but the burns on they're feet were still bothering them. They walked through the forest, looking for something when the sound of a tail swishing across dirt could be heard. "Oni-chan, what's that noise" Starlight asked, the dragon plush in her hands. "Ssh, stay quite" Gajeel whispered.

Starlight nodded and the two got ready to run into the clearing. Starlight tripped when they ran onto the clearing. She fell with her arms outstretched. "Starlight" Gajeel yelled, helping her get back up.

They both looked over to the middle of the clearing to see 5 dragons. I recognised Skiadrum and Wiesslogia thanks to Sting's description but I didn't k ow the other three. "Look at that, speak of them and they appear" Weisslogia chuckled. "What are a couple of human children doing out here alone" Skiadrum asked.

The dragon with the metal-like scales got closer to them and poked one of his claws at Gajeel. "Don't touch me, you stupid scaly lizard" Gajeel spat, staring daggers at the dragons. "Fiesty little thing, I like that" the metal-like dragon spoke happily. "What do you mean, Metalicana" the red and baige dragon asked. "I think I've found the humans that I'm going to train" the dragon who I assumed was Metalicana spoke.

"What do you mean by that" Gajeel growled, keeping an eye on Starlight who was clutching Silver while shaking violently in fear. "One of them looks rather scared" the white bird like dragon spoke on a soothing way. Metalicana looked at Starlight and put a claw under her chin, lifting her head to face him. They looked at each other before Metalicana looked away. "I'm training both of them, they have magic potential" Metalicana spoke before turning to the bird-like dragon. "Can you heal then before I leave" he asked.

The bird-like dragon walked over as both tried to back away but Metalicana blocked then off with his tail. The white dragon bent her head down. "Stay calm, I'm not going to hurt you" she spoke in her soft, gentle voice. A blue light appeared around the two as the torn and burnt flesh started to disappear. "Wha- how did you-" Gajeel asked in shock, looking at his now healed feet. "Its healing magic. I simply healed your burns" she replied. Metalicana then picked up the two Redfox's in his claw. "See you at some point" Metalicana told the other dragons, placing Starlight and Gajeel on his back and took off into the air.

After a while of flying, they arrived at a huge cave. "Do you want to eat us" Gajeel asked, eyeing up the dragon. "No, I don't eat humans, especially not human children" Metalicana replied, walking inside the cave. Gajeel and Starlight slowly walked in after Gajeel and Starlight owl walked in after him, Gajeel holding onto Starlight's hand. "I don't have a lot of comfort for humans but you can try and make yourself comfy" Metalicana spoke, sitting down on a makeshift bed made of leaves, fur and leather. Gajeel helped Starlight over to make sure she didn't trip or something.

"Might I ask why this little one hasn't spoken a single word yet" he asked, pointing his tail at Starlight who held Silver closer. "She doesn't talk a lot around strangers" Gajeel replied, looking at the quivering female. "Wait, your friend is a girl" Metalicana asked in shock. "Yeah and she ain't my friend, she's my younger sister" Gajeel growled. Metalicana ignored Gajeel's tone and asked "So do you have names"

"Yeah, my name is Gajeel Redfox and this is Starlight Redfox" Gajeel explained. Starlight tugged on Gajeel's shirt and pointed at the dragon plushie. "And this is Silver" Gajeel added, referring to the dragon plushie.

Metalicana looked at them for a couple of minutes before lying down in eh makeshift bed. "Get some sleep. You have a lot of training to do tomorrow and try to get that look out of your eyes" Metalicana told them, putting his head on his claws as Starlight and Gajeel settled down to get some rest.

Union of the Night(Sequel to Walking the Shadows)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें