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Rogue's pov

I walked along side Starlight as we left the house, letting her wear my Cape. "I didn't see Gajeel. Is he alright?" I asked.

"He's fine. He got his own place while you were gone" she replied, gripping my hand as if I would disappear if she let go.

"He really did move out" I mumbled. "Yeah. He says that it was because he didn't want to be woken up to a baby crying in the middle of the night" she explained, looking down.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. "No..... Its just..... I really was scared something bad happened. You didn't even call to let me know you were alright" she explained.

"Well it was kinda hard. I was in hospital for 3 weeks and according to what Sting said, I nearly died, then we went back out and both of us ended up back in hospital then we finally beat the creatures that were asked to fight" I explained. She gripped my hand even tighter.

"Don't worry about it. I'm here now and I'm not allowed to do any jobs for a couple weeks since once again, I'm still healing" I explained. She nodded but stayed quite.

We arrived at the hospital, sitting down in shadowed corner of the waiting room.

Starlight pulled my cloak tighter around her, trying to bury her face into the collar. "Is something wrong?" I asked.

"I would prefer it if people didn't see my stomach or even recognise me" she whispered, her voice muffled from the collar of my cape.

I pulled her in with one arm, rubbing up and down her arm. "Starlight Redfox?" a doctor called. Starlight groaned but got up. I walked next to her as we entered the room.

"Please take a seat Miss Redfox" the doctor smiled, gesturing to a chair similar to that of a dentists. "It's Mr-mm mm" I tried to correct but Starlight put her hand over my mouth and gave me a warning look.

I sighed but didn't say anything. She sat down like instructed as I took the seat that resembled the ones in the waiting room, holding Starlight's hand.

"I'm guessing your the father" the doctor explained, picking up a tub with some sort of gel. "Y-yes" I replied, looking down.

"Miss Redfox. Could you tell me how you've been. You've not been in for your regular check up in a while" the doctor explained.

"My morning sickness is gone" she replied. "Has there been any issues with you or the baby that you've noticed" she asked. "No and Phoenix hasn't said anything" she explained.

"Ah yes. The young lady that came with you to your last appointment" she stated. "Have you been eating the recommended amount" she asked, rubbing some of the gel on Starlight's stomach. She nodded.

I squeezed her hand nervously as the machine was brought over. "Rogue calm down. Its not like I'm having the baby right now" she joked.

The doctor placed the small device on the spot where the gel was and moved it around as something slightly fuzzy came up on the screen. "Hmm. That's not right. I'll be back in one second" the doctor explained after looking at the screen.

Starlight looked at me in worry. "What if something's happened? I haven't been doing any heavy lifting or fighting andd I've not touched the alcohol hidden away in the cupboards I promise. I didn't cause any harm to myself either" she started to panic.

"Starlight. Calm down. Its alright" I assured her. She was overthinking things. I knew how that felt. I Hadd done the same thing when she got food poisoning. We just didn't want anything to happen to our child.

The doctor walked back in. "Sorry about that. I just had to check something" she explained. "Are they alright?" I asked.

"Yes. They are fine. It seems your child has some sort of darkness manipulation. It made it quite hard to see it. It also looked like there was two but it was just a misunderstanding" she explained.

Both Starlight and myself let out a sigh of relief. "Would you like to know the gender?" she asked. I looked at Starlight. She seemed unsure.

"I think we'll keep it a surprise" I replied, looking at Starlight who smiled. "Well, I have your due date. The baby should be due around the 11 of June" the doctor explained, placing some documents in a file before turning to us and handing a small photo to Starlight.

"Be sure to come for your regular checkups Miss Redfox" the doctor explained before we were excused.

"I'm glad they're alright" Starlight sighed in relief. "Seems to bbe taking after me" I joked slightly.

"If our child starts to pop up randomly around the house with shadows, your chasing them" she explained.

"Oh" I mumbled, realising what kind of trouble a baby with my magic could get into. "Yep" Starlight replied.

Union of the Night(Sequel to Walking the Shadows)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن