Ch8: Memories; The dragons and the fire

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Rogue's pov

I opened my eyes only to be surrounded by darkness. I wasnt even standing on anything, it was just black. "A-am I dead?" I asked, looking around the empty abyss. I tried to catch someone's scent but to no avail. 

Then there was a huge flash of light causing me to have to cover my eyes. When the light finally cleared, I found myself in a room. It had a wooden walls and a window in the far wall, above a bed but there was no glass. I looked behind me and spotted a drawing on the wall. It had four people in the picture.

The tall had long black hair with crimson red eyes. She wore a light brown dress and had a couple of metal piercings on her ears. The female was crouched down with her hands on the shoulders of a young boy(11)

The young boy had short messy hair that didn't go past his shoulders. He wore a brown, short sleeved top with a pair of brown trousers. He had crimson red eyes and metal piercings above his eyes, across both sides of the bridge of his nose, along his arms, under his mouth and on his ears. He had his arms crossed and looked a little like he was in a bad mood.

The tall male had long, messy dark blue hair that went past his waist. He had dark blue tattoos on his face and arms and he had onyx eyes. He wore a black shirt with short sleeves and matching trousers. He had the grin that Starlight and Gajeel did all the time and his right hand was holding a small child who looked around the age of 3 or 4.(Its Acnologia cause I believe the theory that he is Gajeel's dad)

The second child hat I assume was a male also had short black hair just like the first boy and wore a similar outfit. He had the same amount of piercings as the older boy and also had crimson red eyes. He held a plushie of an iron dragon in his hands and had a small smile as he sat on the adult male's shoulder. Although compared to the other three, he looked more fragile and slimmer a little sickly.

The two children, I swear I recognized them but I wasn't sure. I focused hard on the drawing before a huge thud came from nearby, followed by a huge roar that hurt my ears. I turned around to see the boy from the drawing, sitting in the bed, holding the dragon plushie. He was shaking and his eyes were laced with fear. 

Then the door slammed the door open to reveal the older boy from the picture, standing in the doorway with panic over his face. "Starlight, we need to go" the boy told her in panic, rushing over to the blackette. "Wait, that's Starlight and Gajeel" I yelled with shock although no one heard me.

The two of them headed towards the door, Starlight still holding onto the small plush dragon. "Oni-Chan, where are we going" Starlight asked in a high pitched voice which matched her small structure. I followed them as they ran out of the room and into a larger room. Standing at the door was the two adults from the picture. They quickly opened the door and rushed out.

Standing in the middle of what I assume was a village, was a large red dragon with ash black markings on it. Flames licked away at the wooden buildings and at anything else it could reach. "Get out of here, I'll hold it off" The adult male yelled, standing in front of the dragon. The female nodded before leading Starlight and Gajeel through the streets.

As they kept running through the town , a cracking sound came from above. I looked up and saw that wood from a building was falling down on top of the three. I looked back at the three only to see the female pushing the two children out of the way just as the wooden beams fell on top of her. Gajeel quickly turned Starlight away by placing her head into his chest.

"Oni-Chan, what's wrong" she asked, looking up at Gajeel. Gajeel didn't answer and stood up, grabbing on to Starlight's hand and ran forward. They were heading for the nearby forest. 

When they reached the edge of the trees, Starlight collapsed. Gajeel turned around, kneeled down and pulled Starlight to her chest. That's when I noticed that both of them had burn marks covering they're feet. 

"Oni-Chan" Starlight asked in her high pitched voice. "Y-yes, what is it Starlight" Gajeel asked in a shaky voice. "Mummy and Daddy are gonna defeat the dragon and come and get us like in the stories about the prince, the dragon and the princess, right" Starlight asked, her eyes filled with hope.

"No they won't be coming for us" Gajeel replied. He was trying not to let the tears that were building up in his eyes. "Why not, don't they love us anymore" she asked, looking up at Gajeel with what looked like puppy dog eyes.

"No they still love us and I'm sure they always will but they've gone to a better place now" Gajeel replied before pulling Starlight closer to his chest. A loud roar broke out from the distance behind them. I turned around and saw a second dragon. He had blue markings all over his black scales and was currently battle with the red and ash black dragon. 

"Will we be able to see them again" Starlight asked, looking back at Gajeel. "Maybe we will, one day" he replied, clutching onto the quivering female. "I promise that I'll protect you, no matter what" Gajeel whispered, the tears finally slipping from his eyes and dripped onto Starlight's hair. 

The two stayed like this for a while before another roar echoes through the area. Both of them turned to the village which was now nothing but flames and ashes. In the middle was the black and blue dragon, standing over the dead body of the red and ash black dragon. Gajeel clutched onto Starlight's hand and stood up.

"We can't stay here. Its not safe" Gajeel told Starlight and pulled her onto her feet. The two walked deeper into the forest before finally reaching a small clearing surrounded by rocks and bushes with a f ew trees.

Both of them settled down next to one of the trees and Gajeel pulled Starlight closer to him in a hug as everything went black again.

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