Ch26: Bonding

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Starlight's pov

I walked through the streets, supporting Rogue who had gotten drunk during the party. Frosch slept on my head but he was just tired and Phoenix was also passed out drunk on my shoulder.

I eventually found where Rogue's house was because I saw the home address was carved onto the zip on Frosch's costume. It was probably incase he got lost.

I grabbed the key out of Rogue's pocket and unlocked the door, walking in and dumping him onto the couch. I placed Frosch gently on his chest and Phoenix on the coffee table.

I noticed Sting passed out in a chair and was confused how he got back. I shrugged it off and went to the kitchen and saw Lector holding a packet of frozen fish.

"So that's how Sting got home then" I chuckled as he looked up. "Oh hey Starlight" Lector greeted and looked back at the packet. "Here, let me cook that for you" I told him, gently pulling the packet out of his paws.

"But I thought you hate fish" Lector pointed out. "I can cook it. I just can't eat it" I replied, opening the packet and placing the fish in the oven to heat up. I cut up some veg and out it into a pot and also put some potatoes on as I waited for a bit till the food was done.

I served it up onto a plate and gave it to Lector along with a fork and knife as he ate. "Wow. This is really good" Lector purred, putting some more in his mouth. "Your house is really messy" I pointed out, cleaning the items I used for cooking the meal.

"Oh yeah. We were really busy trying to stop Rogue from commuting suicide so much that I guess we didn't have to much time for that" Lector explained. "How many times did he try" I asked as Lector counted on his paws. "20" he finally replied.

"What did he try to do" I asked, getting curious. "Well the first one, he tried to dig a katana into his chest. Then he tried to drown himself 5 times, twice in the bathroom, once in the guild kitchen, once in this kitchen and once in a restaurant. He then tried the Katana again, followed by overdose of medication. Then the katana and medication again. Then he tried to hang himself, twice with a kitchen knife, first time just slitting open the throat, second time slit the throat and tried to stab the chest. He tried the medication again followed by one of Phoenix's arrows, trying to stab himself in the heart. He tried to cut his veins with shattered mirror shards, tried jumping off a boat and finally the whole starvation thing" Lector explained.

"Ouch. Sounds rough" I pointed out. "It was" Lector replied, finishing his meal. "If you don't mind I'm going to clean the house tonight" I told Lector who nodded before yawning and falling asleep.

I cleaned the house all night, taking a couple coffee breaks to keep myself awake. When Frosch woke up, he asked me to put the TV on for him. He told me he wanted to watch My Little Pony so I grabbed one of the DVD's that was next to the TV, put it in the DVD player and turned it on as Frosch watches it and I continued to clean.

Rogue's pov

I woke up to the sound of a song. I sat up, my head throbbing like crazy. 'I must have drank too much' I thought. I spotted Frosch sitting on the table with one of his My Little Pony DVD's playing.

Sting sat up, rubbing his head and looked at the TV. "Did you switch the TV on" he asked, looking at me. I shook my head. "I wonder who then" Sting g thought aloud before the smell of something good hit my nose.

It smelt like pancakes and before I could say anything Starlight walked in, handing Frosch his frog plate with some blueberry pancakes on it. "Wait. Starlight how did you find where I lived" I asked, confused.

"It was carved onto the Zip on Frosch's suit. I just followed the address" she replied before returning to the kitchen and then coming back, handing a plate of pancakes to Sting and I and giving Frosch his frog zippy cup. "Thank you Starlight" Frosch chirped before going back to watching the TV.

"I didn't know Frosch liked to watch TV in the morning but it was no trouble" She explained, stretching out her muscles. Sting looked around and blinked in surprise.

"Who cleaned the house exactly" he asked. I looked around and noticed the living room was practically spotless. Phoenix sat up and shook her head a little. "I did it. I cleaned up the dishes, did the laundry. Both of your rooms were a mess. Lector and Frosch's room wasn't too bad other than the odd colouring book or crayon scattered across the floor" Starlight explained.

"You stayed up all night" I asked. "Yep and don't go leaving crumbs all over the place. I found a few Insects in here" Starlight explained. "Insects" Phoenix asked, instantly hooking herself onto Starlight's head.

"They're all gone now Phoenix so you can calm down" Starlight told her, slowly removing the Exceed from her head. "Thanks for the meal" Sting asked, wiping his mouth with his glove after finishing his pancakes.

I went back to eating as Starlight took Sting's plate into the kitchen. We talked for the rest of the morning

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