Ch46: Breakfast

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Starlight's pov

I woke up, feeling much better than yesterday. My food poisoning must have passed. My stomach suddenly felt sore and I grabbed the bowl that was next to the bed and threw up.

I could be certain that I was now only experiencing morning sickness because I didn't feel hot or cold and my muscles didn't hurt anymore. I must have woken Rogue up with my vomiting because he rolled over, looking at me with drousy eyes.

"Did I keep you awake last night?" I asked. "No. It's fine" he replied, wrapping his uninjured arm around my waist and pulling me close. I didn't object and burried my face into the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent.

He did the same thing and we stayed like that for a while. "We should probably get up. The others will probably be wondering where we are" Rogue explained.

He tried to stand up but I wrapped my arms around him, keeping him down. "Do we have too? I wanna cuddle more" I complained. "If we don't get up then we'll miss breakfast" Rogue explained.

I groaned and rolled over, pushing myself up. "Breakfast sounds nice right now" I stated. Rogue sat up and smiled with a small laugh. I looked at him with a questioning look but he just planted a kiss on my forehead.

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed, stretching out slightly. "My back still hurts. Probably won't feel better for awhile" I grumbled. "It's just the pregnancy. I read that back pains and bloating are comman" Rogue explained. I turned around to face him.

"You calling me fat?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "What? No. Of course not" Rogue defended. I just rolled my eyes again and went to the wardrobe. I choose a baggy top and leggings since I was not wearing tight clothes today.

I changed clothes into them then looked at Rogue. He was struggling to get his top on with his broken arm. I helped him into his top and he smiled.

We headed downstairs and Gajeel and Sting were sitting at a table. "Oh look who's joining us today. Did you get injured yesterday?" Gajeel joked.

"Hahaha. For your information, I had food poisoning" I snapped, sitting down at the chair. Gajeel chuckled at my tone. "Someone's grumpy this morning" Gajeel laughed. "Shut up" I snapped, looking at what was on the table.

I reached over the table and took the plate of pancakes that was sitting in front of Gajeel and picked up a fork and knife. "Hey. That was my breakfast" Gajeel objected. "Too bad. I'm eating for two and you've probably already eaten enough to feed yourself and a 5 year old child" I scoofed.

"Have not" Gajeel objected. "The milk splashes and jam stains around your lips would say otherwise" I countered, taking a bite of pancake. "I'll be back in a second" Rogue explained, standing up and walking over to the self serve tables.

"So, how is the baby?" Sting asked. "I'm only 6 weeks into my pregnancy. It's barely had time to grow" I stated. "Your growing belly would say otherwise" Gajeel snickered. I threw a fork at him which he caught.

"Thanks for the snack" he stated before munching on the fork. "Wait. How can you tell that she's gaining weight? I don't see anything" Sting asked, looking at Gajeel.

"Sibling intuition" Gajeel replied. "That's not a thing. Is it?" Sting asked, looking concerned. "Gajeel and I have been close since we were born" I stated. "Prove it" Sting stated. At this point Rogue hhad returned and from the look on his face, I guessed that he had heard the entire conversation.

"Starlight and I are so insink that she was born 3 months early just to be born on the same day and month thatt I was, 7 years apart" Gajeel boasted. "No. Your lying" Sting objected.

"Actually he isn't. I don't remember much from my early years but I was born early and on the same date as Gajeel too. It can't be a coincidence" I argued. "Your joking" Rogue stated. "Nope. Why do you think I'm such a sickly person. My body wasn't as developed as it should have been" I stated.

"Your not as bad as you were back before we met Metalicana. You could barely ever leave the house because you'd get sick so easily. You've always had a fragile body" Gajeel explained.

"Doesn't explain how you know that she's showing" Sting pointed out. "Starlight and I shared a bed the moment she turned 2. Then we lived on the streets and still shared a bed even though that bed was a worn out mattress. For the entire time I've known her, she'salmost always been underweight. Even as a baby. That's how I know. I know my sister" Gajeel explained.

"Are you actually showing?" Sting asked, leaning on the table. "As much as I hate to admit it. Yes" I grumbled. "She thinks she's getting fat. No thanks to you Gajeel" Rogue accused.

"Oi. I'm her brother. It's just some playful teasing" Gajeel countered. "It's not so playful when your calling an insecure person fat" Rogue objected. "Look. I've teased Starlight for years. She knows it's just playful. Same thing when she teases me. The moment someone else says mean comments or calls her fat. I'm throwing up my fists and fighting em. I don't care if I get arrested for it" Gajeel explained.

Rogue looked at me. "It's true. My insucurities weren't fueled by Gajeel's teasing. I already knew I was going to gain. I just didn't think it would be so soon" I assured Rogue.

"Oh and if someone insults or assaults my niece or nephew, I'm beating them up. No one harms my family and gets away with it" Gajeel stated.

"Didn't you break Rogue's arm" Sting pointed out. "That was to stop him killing everyone" Gajeel objected. I just sighed and shook my head, eating my food.


As a little extra, here's a drawing of Rogue that I did.

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